♡Gabriel: Late Night Cravings

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Requested by: alienmademeslowdance

You sit on the couch watching The Game of Thrones pigging out on pizza and all wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket.

As the next episode starts, the doorbell rings. You check your phone to see it's 12:30. Why would someone be here this late?

You pull the blanket tighter around you and shuffle to the door. You stand up on your look through the peephole.

"Gabe?!" you exclaim quickly unlocking the door and opening it wide for him to enter.

He slowly trudges in and plops down on the couch, face first.

You quickly lock back up the door and get a silk robe and slip it on.

"Gabriel? Babe, are you okay?" You ask as you place a hand on his back.

He just groans in response.

"Babe, what happened?" you ask again.

"What am I gonna do?! The other angles thought it would be hilarious to take away my powers for a few days..." He says through the pillow.

You gasp as an attempt to hide your slight chuckle, "that's not funny! Why would they ever do such a thing?!"

"Ha. Ha. Ha, so funny..."

"Sorry Gabe. So did you drive all the way over here?"

He shakes his head, "walked."

You sigh, "God Gabe, what are we gonna do with you?"

He just shrugs.

You gasp again once you get an idea and run upstairs. You come back downstairs in leggings and a hoodie, slipping on your boots, you grab your keys and give Gabe a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be back before you know it, just wait here."

He groans again as you exit your little apartment.

Walking back in through the door 20 minutes later, you see Gabriel still in the same position as when you left.

Setting the grocery bags down on the counter, you preheat the oven and walk back over to Gabriel.

"Baby, I'm back and I brought some sweets! It'll make ya feel better if you help me make them!" You say enthusiastically.

His head pops up and a smile appears on his face, "really?!"

You nod, smiling too, "of course! Now get your lazy ass up and help me!"

In the next two hours, you and Gabriel have made 3 cakes, assortments of cookies, rainbow cupcakes with shitloads of frosting, and double fudge brownies. You both eat them all together as you laughed, giggled, and joked.

A/N: I finally finished a request! Good lord!

This is off topic but it's so fucking hilarious I had to mention it:

I was on tumblr and there was this post and it was a picture from like Hell's Kitchen or America's Worst Cook or something, and the host was yelling at the cook and the caption was like:

This food is so burnt, the Winchesters call it mommy!

I laughed for legit 15 mins bc of that...

Was that even that funny?!

Might be 10 years too soon



"Peace out bitchez!"

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