It's More Than A Mess

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"Son", Vader said, crossing his arms in disapproval. Throughout the years, this pose had already become second nature to him. "What part of clean and tidy did you not understand?"

Luke looked up from the piece of scrap he had been tinkering on and his eyes met with the monstrous mask. Vader saw him bite his lip anxiously before daring himself to speak.

"Father", Luke began. "I thought you were still on Anun-"

"The mission was surprisingly successful as many Rebels were eradicated", Vader replied and swept his gaze over the garbage chute his son had turned his bedroom into.

The bed itself appeared as if it had not been properly made in weeks. Numerous data-pads were stacked high on the study desk, nearly mirroring the amount of workload piled on Vader's own.

Some sort of sticky green liquid oozed on the floor, multiple pieces of an unknown brand of candy topping it, adding a hideous pop of color. Shiny small chunks of metal were scattered like stars and accompanied by a great number of candy bar wraps.

Moons of Mustafar, was there anything not on the floor?

Disgust crossed Vader's face behind the mask as he eyed the state of the bedroom. Padmè would certainly have a heart attack if she saw this. Did Luke even know how atrocious his room seemed?

''And I see you have also been quite occupied yourself", Vader finished, allowing his anger to soak his voice. "What is this, young one?"

Luke flinched. "My room?" he responded, lamely.


"Fine, fine. I get it. It's a mess", Luke said, raising up his hands in surrender.

"Calling this merely 'a mess' is an understatement", Vader snapped. "This is utter chaos".

"I'll clean it up, I promise", Luke sighed in exasperation. "Jeez, it's just a room-wait- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!"

Vader had crossed the disastrous bedroom and opened the refresher door with a flick of his hand. The door slid open to reveal an equally untidy bath area. At the same time, he felt pure horror flood their bond from his son.

Soon the same emotion followed, but from an unexpected source.

In the center of the bathroom was a teenage girl, looking not very far from Luke's age. Majestic waves of red hair fell to her shoulders and emerald green eyes adorned a well sculpted face.

"I was not aware you were acquainted with my son, Jade", Vader seethed. He would be having a long discussion with his offspring after this. "It would be best if you extracted yourself from my sight before the Emperor hears of this".

An Emperor's Hand? Vader found himself wishing it was anyone else, anyone but her. Hells, he would have even preferred Leia Organa.

"How grateful I am for your advice, Lord Vader", she drawled mockingly. Vader clenched his fists, watching her squeeze her way past him to exit the refresher.

Then, his hand planted itself on her shoulder, preventing her departure. A split second later, he sensed her fear drastically rise at once.

It was odd to see, Mara Jade, his master's most prized possession display such emotions.

His other hand was stretched out, levitating an unexpected device mid-air, the object seeming to cause time to stand still.

"LUKE!" Vader all but thundered when he saw the faint, double lines on the result screen, causing him to drop the pregnancy test in shock.

"I thought you hid it!" he heard Luke yelp weakly to Jade.

"I was going to before Darth Daddy came in", Jade shot back defensively.

Vader found himself looking up towards the ceiling, utter despair and misery rolling of him, almost hearing Obi-Wan and several other Jedi Masters roaring with laughter at the sight.

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