Chapter 16- Runs In The Family

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"Wait, let me get this straight. You are deSantafying?" Mom questioned in disbelief. "And you only have twenty-seven days to find a wife or you're out?"

"Yeah," Dad said simply as I changed back into my normal appearance.

"What are you going to do? We dated for three years before you finally got up the courage to propose," Mom sighed.

"That's a pretty serious commitment issue, isn't it Scott?" Neil questioned. "At least it doesn't run in the family. You were dating this Bernard figure for what, a year?"

"A hundred we were together, the other eight hundred I was here but still dating him. If we lessen it, it's nine years. It runs in the family, Neil," I explained.

"Dad, you can't give up. There's never been a better Santa than you," Charlie reasoned.

"I agree, considering the last one let me fall out of a sleigh. And ruined Mom and Neil's chances at believing in Santa," I added.

"I appreciate that, you two. But maybe it's for the best, you know? I'd spend more time with you, and maybe you'd spend less time supporting the spray paint industry," Dad leaned against the counter.

"Don't do that to yourself, Scott. You've been a great Dad, and being Santa has made you an even better man," Mom argued.

"I'm gonna go out on an emotional limb, Scott," Neil started.

"Neil, don't try to make me cry," Dad said quickly.

"Whether you believe it or not, you have a great capacity for love. I know you can find somebody wonderful to spend the rest of your life with. Don't let the facts, that you have no time, no prospects, and a paralyzing fear of intimacy, get you down," Neil explained.

Dad nodded. "Have you ever helped anyone? Ever?"

"You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna look through my phonebook, and see who's still single out there and not too bitter," Mom decided.

"Yeah, and you know what, Dad? There are plenty of divorced Moms at school who will go out with anybody," Charlie added as he opened the fridge.

"Well, as promising as this all sounds, I don't need help with this area," Dad shook his head. "You know, I was a legend in high school. I was a double letterman. I had a Mustang! So as far as dating goes, I think if anybody could serve the old mojo, it would be moi. I don't think there's a woman out there who doesn't want a piece of this," Dad explained as his facial hair disappeared and his hair turned brown again.

The door opened and closed. "Hi, Mom!" Lucy called throughout the house.

"Lucy!" Dad answered, smiling.

Charlie hit my charm quickly, changing me back to my human appearance. I nodded to him, silenting thanking him.

"Uncle Scott!" Lucy beamed.

"How's my little sweetpea?" Dad picked her up and hugged her. "I haven't seen you in a long time. Tell me what's been happenin'!"

"Uncle Scott, I learned how to swim underwater and I'm not afraid!" Lucy said proudly.

"That's amazing! Wait a minute. Maybe we'll have to go to the mall and get some ice cream," Dad smiled as Lucy beamed.

"Dad, plenty of women at the mall," Charlie pointed out.

"Charlie," Dad said warningly.

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