Class Fight

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Authors note: I just wanted to say thanks a million for reading- motivates me to keep it up! Xoxo -Starfy


I could feel my sleep-deprived brain pound, especially waking up on Lee's uncomfortable couch after a night of Jordan snoring just a few feet away. I rolled on my side, peering at the time on my phone, 7:30 am, the sun wasn't even up yet. I sighed, gently sitting up and looking around. The house was almost silent, the coffee machine gently working away. I internally thanked that Lee's mom and dad had started a pot for us, I quietly poured myself a cup. I sipped at it, letting the bitter black coffee fill my empty stomach.

"Surprised you're awake," I said, watching Lee waddle into the kitchen. He grumbled something, pouring a cup of coffee and dumping a few spoonfuls of sugar. I watched Lee chug the cup, something he did fairly often, he felt something much stronger than love for morning coffee.

"Jordan still asleep?" he asked, digging through his pantry as he talked, I nodded, sitting on the counter. Lee handed me a pop tart out of the foil package, eating the other with his coffee. I scarfed the pastry down, going to wash my hair in the bathroom. I hummed to myself quietly as I leaned my head over the tub tap and let the warm water run through my hair. I was quick to wash my hair and dry it in a towel, still ruffling it as I walked out.

"You two get ready, we're gonna be late" I scolded the two of them, they groaned, ungluing themselves from the tv. I laughed a bit, waiting as they took their time. Finally, just as the sun broke the horizon, the three of us climbed into Lee's car. I rolled down the window, ignoring the frigid bite the morning air gave me. I let my hand flow through the rushing wind, watching as I surfed the currents absently.

"Got a game plan to avoid the terrible three?" Lee asked, glancing over to me. I chewed on my bottom lip, remembering the events that took place last night. Kellin was always twice as worse at school, especially cause Mike and Matt wouldn't be there to scold them and yank them by the scruff like the dogs they were.

"We could try the loading dock in the Auditorium? Mr.Lucker usually lets me in that way if I'm late" I offered, looking in the back to see what Jordan thought. He nodded, eyebrows furrowed as he continued to think. We pulled into the lot, Lee handed me his pack of camels as Jordan leaned against the hood waiting for us. I lit it, taking a deep drag. I had a bad feeling about today, I had a bad feeling that Jordan looked more serious than usual. I only smoked half of the thing before smothering the end, and tucking it behind my ear, letting my hair fall in front like a curtain.

"Save that in case of emergency," I mumbled, getting out, the three of us walked to the back. Large hand made structures sat on the dock half-painted, probably for the school play. We walked up to the door, and with a small knock, we waited. Mr.Lucker popped it open a few moments later, opening it fully seeing it was just us.

"Elise, morning," he said, walking back over to his cluttered desk. You could see tattoos peak out of his sleeves as he reached over to click on his computer. He was the Technical Theatre teacher, probably the coolest teacher at this school. He glanced up once again, raising an eyebrow.

"Everything okay? You never come knocking unless you're late" he commented, looking between the three of us. I gave a small close-lipped smile, nodding.

"Just avoiding the usual annoyances today" I explained shortly, he nodded, nodding for us to get going. Mr.Lucker was partially aware of Kellin's crew and my own having issues with each other, he had stopped Jordan a handful of times from physically attacking Kellin. We walked out of the auditorium, I could feel eyes on me as we started the halls. People whispered and eyed me as we walked, I glanced back to see Jordan and Lee had noticed too.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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