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    I pulled on clean clothes and shook my wet hair. I remember. His lips were soft and sweet. I find myself craving his lips. God Damn it, what the hell is wrong with me? I walked downstairs and bump into his sister. "Hi Jeff," she says cheerfully. I flinched and backed into the living room. I still have a killer hangover.
     I laid on the couch face down, blocking out the light. A big mass of weight landed on my back and I huffed. It was Smile, he licked my cheek. I rubbed his head and went back to my original position. Ben was playing games and E.J. was reading one of his books. My back was feeling tingly and then I heard him. "Hey EJ may I borrow one of your books?" I looked up. "Hi Jeff, Smile," he said smiling. I groaned, he chuckled. "Must be one killer hangover," he said,"So may I?" "Help yourself," E.J.'s voice said after a minute. "Thank you, EJ." His soft footsteps faded away. Smile shifted and laid down.

    My heart was beating fast. Having Jeff or E.J. in a room by themselves was hard enough but together was brutal. I sighed and walked to E.J.'s room. Walking into the lightly lit room, I let my eyes adjust for a minute before heading to his bookshelf. Letting my fingers trail the spines, I stopped on one about drawing and sketching.
     About halfway through the book, I started to get flashes again. They were even worse than before. I draw them all and looked at all of them side by side, my eyes widened. There were a few pictures of myself, but most of them were Slendy, Jeff, E.J., or Toby. I backed into my wall and slide down the wall. One was on the floor. I picked it up, it was a series of three pictures. One of me kissing Jeff, one of my removing E.J.'s mask, and one of me hugging Toby. There was a fourth picture of Slendy picking up my lifeless body. I covered my mouth with my hand and tears sprung in my eyes. After picking up most of the pictures, I put them all into a portfolio.
      I started drawing the gang's presents. I finished Sally's and moved onto Ben's. A knock on my door stopped my pencil from moving across the page. I dropped my pencil and went to the door. It was Belle. "Hello, Belle. What do you need?" She looked down at the floor," I was wondering if you w-wanted to come with me for a swim. So will you?" I nodded," Just let me change and I can meet you in the corridor." "Okay," she skipped down the hall. I closed my door and opened my closet, swimming trunks were hanging on hangers. The closet seemed to read my mind. I pulled down a dark purple pair of trunks that had black stitching and black strings. I pulled them on, grabbed a black towel, grabbed an old pair of converse, and walked to the corridor. Belle was standing there wearing a dark red one piece that had a short black tutu around her hips, a black towel like me, and old converse like me. We left the house and headed to Slender lake.
    The naturally deathly cold lake felt like bathwater to me. Belle was standing on the edge, just short of the water. "Belle come on." She glanced at me, took a deep breath, and jumped in. She popped up in front on me. My wings were outstretched and hit her arm. She squealed and we started laughing. "Hey Cam," I looked at her," You know how your part vampire-part angel." I nodded. "Well, I'm part vampire-part mermaid. She raised her tail out of the water and it sparkled like dark rubies. The tips of her fin were black and faded to the dark red gradually. "It's beautiful Belle," she smiled. "Thank you, Cam. So are your wings."
     After about 3 hours of swimming. I was so tired my wings dragged the ground more than normal, not to mention the fact that I was shriveled up like a prune. "Okay, Belle. I'm done," I dragged myself onto the black beach and started picking up my things. "Aww you have to promise to do this again this week," she said crossing her arms and giving me a look. "Fine," I said sticking out my tongue, she dragged herself onto the beach and jumped up once she was dry. We slowly walked back to the mansion.
     We walked inside and all was in chaos, as usual. I walked to my room and started a hot bath. The smell of lavender, rose, and cedar drifted up from the light scattering of bubbles and scented water. I sunk into the giant tub, my wings wrapped around the edges. The bathtub was the size of a swimming pool and about 3 feet deep. I sunk under the surface for a minute. After I was wet, I washed and just laid in the hot water. After my fingers started to shrivel up, I got out. I pulled on clean boxers and a pair of dark purple sweatpants that hung on my hips. I yawned, showing my newly acquired fangs. I noticed them while we were swimming.
      I woke up to the sound of Slaughter whining, I looked at him and he was scratching at the door. He bolted out the door and out of sight. Guess he had to pee. My throat started to burn, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bloodshake. After drinking it dry, I sat on the counter eating a waffle. EJ walked in and jumped when he saw me. "Sorry EJ," I said quietly. "It's okay. Not your fault." He was wearing black sweatpants, a black sweatshirt, and his mask.

    I took in his appearance, those sweatpants were distracting. The way they hung off of his hips and you could see his v-line peeking out the top. I took a breath and grabbed a kidney out of the fridge. My eyes wandered back to his hips and I blushed behind my mask. Stop E.J. Bad thoughts. Bad thoughts. "Hello?" his soft voice rang through the air, piercing my thoughts. "What?" "I asked what's got you up?" he said looking at me. "Oh. I got hungry," And I was thinking about you. "So what got you up?" "One word. Slaughter." I chuckled at he finished his waffle as I finished my kidney. I pulled my mask back down and bid him goodnight. "Night," his velvety voice said. I stalked up the stairs.

Oh god. What's happening to me?

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