Part 8

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Kix hadn't been too happy to be woken ahead of schedule, but as soon as Skywalker and Kenobi asked for a checkup, he was up and moving. If the Jedi were volunteering for an examination willingly, something was definitely up. 

Upon hearing a summary of the situation as they knew it, especially the headache part, Kix had taken them both to the back for a brain scan. Rex and Cody waited in the lobby area, really hoping this wasn't as bad as it seemed. Generally, you didn't want your generals to come down with amnesia, but you also didn't want them to turn into teenagers either, and that had already happened. You might as well add to the list, right?

The doors opened behind them, and Ahsoka ran in with Jesse on her heels. "Talk to me: what's going on?"

"We have no idea, really," Cody admitted, pointing to the room the Jedi had disappeared into. "Kix is trying to figure it out now."

"Jesse said something about amnesia."

"That's just what it looks like," clarified Rex. "They don't remember what's going on or why they're here. For all we know, they just hit their head really hard."

Ahsoka raised an eyemark. "Both of them?" The soldiers got her point, and she moved on. "Did anyone see it happen?"

Rex and Cody looked at Jesse, but he crossed his arms and shook his head. "I had just woken up when I ran into them in the hall. I came and got you a second later."

"I doubt they've been asleep," Cody offered, glancing at Rex. "They told us they were going to stay up through the night shift. I would have thought maybe they just forgot overnight, but if they've been awake the whole time..."

Her eyes hardened. "I don't like this. If one of them had gotten injured or something, the other would have gotten help. What were they doing that both of them are forgetting?"

"We can check recordings from the past hour or so once Kix gets back," Rex suggested, looking around the group. "It's not like they left the cruiser. We've been in hyperspace ever since the three of you came on board," he told Ahsoka. 

"That's the other thing," Jesse interjected, "I'm not sure they remember coming on board. They said something about being on Coruscant, and then they were sparring. They didn't know about our mission or anything."

That didn't reassure anyone. Ahsoka sighed. "So either they had a nasty concussion at the same time, or something else is going on. Why don't I feel like the concussion option is true?"

No one answered, but they were beginning to agree with her. The Jedi got concussions all the time, but not usually unless they were on the battlefield. 

From behind them, Kix walked in with a tablet, scrolling through the reports on the Jedi. "We've got a problem."

"We noticed," Rex reminded him, but they all turned to listen. 

"The brain scans just finished, but I wanted time to explain this to you without them listening, so I put them through a full-body scan. They won't be out for another few minutes."

Ahsoka paused and looked up at the medic. "How often have you done that to us in the past?"

Grinning slightly, Kix confessed, "More often than you think."

"Consider me impressed and insulted."

"Thank you, sir. Deal with it."

"So what did you find?"

He glanced back down at the datapad. "You were pretty close with the amnesia guess, but it's not exactly that. You know how progress usually happens in stages? It gets better in chunks at a time?"

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