My Return

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"A duel?" Said Aurelia, as Tom cleared the space necessary in the room of requirement, "We haven't duelled in a long time, are you sure you're not-"

"I'm not angry with you." He said again, though his tensed jaw was enough to tell her he was lying, Aurelia frowned, marking the spot where she was to stand and holding her wand in her mouth as she attached her hair in a tighter bun atop her head, Tom's eyes darkened, tracing her every move as though scanning for a weakness to exploit. 

Aurelia took her wand in her hand and stared at him. Tracing his every movement in return, he was emotional. 

"I'm not duelling you when you're emotional like this," Said Aurelia, frowning at him, and he rolled his eyes, 

"I am your master, Aurelia, in case you have forgotten." Said Tom, "You answer me when I ask something of you and you duel me when I command it."

Aurelia frowned at him, hazy grey eyes remaining grey and dull as they looked at him. He grey frustrated, and he threw a curse at her which was easily blocked, 

"Manners, Riddle, what happened to the bow?" Asked Aurelia, "British are good with etiquette," She said, blocking another attempt- the spell was green, a bright sickly green that nearly struck her chest had she not blocked it. Her eyes went blazing as she begun to return fire, "Dumbledore would be disappointed in you,"

Tom, finally getting the reaction he wanted, allowed his lips to twist into a sickly smile, blocking the spells she sent at him, 

"However will I live?" He asked sarcastically, "I live for that man's approval," Aurelia created clouds, a fog surrounded them as spells came flying, and he realized as it thickened around them, it was slowing his spells down, 

"I could make it choke you." She said, referring to the fog, and Tom's interest piqued as she diminished it, allowing it to circle them, "Poison maybe, I haven't decided on a variant for the spell yet,"

"Remind me why you want to be a healer," He said, throwing all manner of dark curses at her, and as though to prove her point, a beam of light magic engulfed the dark, spiralling and hitting Tom's skin, he did not know how to block it, blinded, he stumbled back, 

"I could have blocked that." Said Aurelia wittily, cocking an eyebrow, and Tom grinned before disappearing in a cloud of darkness, and reappearing behind her, pressing his long yew wand to her neck, his arm across her back, "You finished it." She said, referring to the spell, 

Tom's breath was hot against her neck, and nerves crawled over her skin. The touches, the affection, left Aurelia with the sense that her heart had turned to a black hole, engulfing any pleasure she was meant to feel. Those feelings were only replaced with anxiety and the overwhelming urge to run away, that is if they ever even existed in the first place.

"T-Tom," She whispered, fear gripping her as he did, "I can't." She said, as his grip turned almost romantic. "Believe you would use my own spell against me,"

"It worked didn't it?" Asked Tom, pressing a kiss to her temple, and she cringed, 

Aurelia wanted to cry and scream at herself. It was not the same sort of panic that she'd faced in fourth year. A burst of defensive magic sent him stumbling away, 

"I don't understand you, Aurelia." Said Tom, frowning at her, they were a few paces apart her back was to him as she composed herself, "All I want," He begun his manipulation, "All you want." He continued, emotion dripping into his tone as though he truly could feel, "All we want is each other. Yet you refuse my every advance,"

"I don't." Said Aurelia, and Tom froze, 

"Know what you are saying." He finished, and she shook her head, turning to face him, 

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