billy tepper for maddy

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It's monday morning, i get up to get ready to school. I put on my uniform and get my back. My bestfriend billy will pick me up any minutes now. I'm sitting in front of my porch. I see a car pull up, must be Billy.

"morning, Maddy" he looks to his left greeting me.

"morning, Billy boy" I throw him the sandwich I made him.

"tuna?" he asks.

"Nope" i shook my head, "bologne". I opened his car door.

"smells like tuna to me" he's genuinely confused.

"no, i think that's your car" I laugh it off. "seriously, what died here? " I take a bite of my sandwich.

"hey, hey, don't make fun of my baby like that" he said sarcastically rubbing his car. We drive to school. We don't go to the same school but, it's next to each other. He goes to all boys school and i go to an all girls school. I met him last year, we've been best buds ever since.

He parks his car. I thank him and opened his car door.

"hey, where's my payment? " he waits for my response. I turn my head back to him and kisses him on his cheek

"the sandwich wasn't enough for u?" I roll my eyes and laugh.

"hey, hey! You love me" he yells jokingly while I walk away.

~time passes~

School was pretty boring, these people have no spice. I couldn't wait to see tepper after school. He's honestly the highlight of my day. I was thinking asking him out to the mall, maybe get some food.

I walk to the parking lot. I'm listening to the Beatles on my Walkman. I see Billy in his car already. I surprised him from his back.

"boo!" he flinched. He looks a bit out of place, but i decided to let it slide.

"hey there maddy. Whats up" he looks down. Wow he's really off today, i thought.

"nothing, just bored. You wanna go to the mall today?" I asked. We definitely need to talk.

"yeah, sure let's go" he was quiet all the way to the mall.

We decided to just get coffee and donuts and headed straight to his car.

"she was just on my nerves, you know-" I was telling Billy a story about today. I turn my head, he's definitely not listening to me. I took his coffee from his hands. "you okay Billy? "

"yeah" his eyes were glued to the wheels I could feel the heaviness of his voice. I put my hand on his back. He come to my embrace. I could feel him sob.

"bil-" he cut me off.

"I don't know what to do, maddy" he started crying.

"I don't know what You're talking about"

"it's my pops, he's gonna make me move away. He said i haven't changed at all. He's going to make me go to a military school"

"why didn't you t-"

"you couldn't help me"

"Billy, I'm your best friend. I deserved to know. We could come up with something!" i look down in denial of what might happen.

"Come up with what?!" He burries his face on the steering wheel. The tension in the car rises.

"I don't know yet!" I could hear his sniffles.

"Billy, what am i gonna do without you" you lean on his back.

"you know, when I first saw you, at the carnival" he sit up straight and repositioned my head to his shoulder. "I absolutely fell for you"

"stop it bill" I pushed him jokingly, thinking he's just trying to light the mood.

"I'm serious" he catches my hand. Billy likes me?  What in the world...  I stare at his lips. leaned in for a kiss. "no" he said. I furrowed my brows, confused. "in my fantasy, our first kiss isn't one out of pity"

"in your fantasy?" I give him a sly smile.

"oh shut up" he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever, youre wet because of the crying anyways" i cross my arm and sitting up straight.

"So are you. WhAt aM i gOnNa dO wiThoUt yOu!?!?" He said trying to mock my voice.

"Fuck off" i shook my head.

we both laughed if off and decided to drive around the town for hours listening to rock bands. I don't know what's gonna happen to us in the future, but we got now atleast.

Ummm heyyyy... heyy 😬 how y'all doin? 😀 it's been awhile. Hope y'all doin good. Uhh sorry for the ones i have not made... idk if i'm gonna continue making themm.  I will probably make more chapters just not the requests. I'm so sorryy

Stay gold,
Ice bear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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