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I walked down the stairs to everyone talking 

y/n: hey Adam are you ready?

Adam: uh yeah lets go 

we grabbed our stuff and got in Adam's car 

we jammed out to music on the way there

this boy knows how to have fun

we got there and immediately went to target

I mean who doesn't love target?

Adam: hey shorty I have an idea

y/n: what is it?

Adam: we should get a matching outfit 

I'm starting to think were actually a couple

y/n: yeah lets do it 

we bought a pair of matching hoodies and sweatpants

we left target and went shopping for a few more hours

we stopped to get frozen yogurt to relax

while we were sitting and eating, fans started coming towards us

here we go again 

they started taking pictures of us together secretly but we still saw them 

after a few of them left I saw a familiar face 


ugh what does the devil want?

charleigh: hey guys whats up?

y/n: uh hi?

charleigh: you didn't tell me you were going to the mall 

y/n: thats because I don't have to tell you anything 

charleigh: y/n your so funny

Adam: um do you know her?

y/n: yep 

charleigh: I'm charleigh, y/n and I are best friends

y/n: No were not 

Adam: I'm confused

charleigh: and I'm single

this bitch 

there's an idea popping up in my head

should I do it?

no y/n you could get in trouble

I punched myself in the face


charleigh: WHAT?! NO I DIDN'T 

the security came running towards us 

I watched as they grabbed her and ripped her away from us

oh boy how I wish I was recording 

Adam turned to me with a shocked face

I smiled then my nose began to bleed from when I punched myself 

Adam: oh goodness y/n your nose is bleeding 

y/n: I'm fine Adam I promise 

I grabbed paper towels and we left the mall

we got into Adams car and immediately he said

Adam: now can you tell me what happened?

y/n: that was charleigh. she's an awful person. she is the reason why I'm homeschooled. she got jealous when I started hanging out with you so now she's telling everyone were friends so that she gets fame. she was one of the people who commented something on Emilys post.

Adam: y/n I'm so sorry 

y/n: Adam for the last time its ok 

Adam: but what you did, was awesome

y/n: thanks 

Adam: ok lets go to your house now

we started to drive home 

then he missed the turn 

y/n: um Adam my house is that way 

Adam: I know

is he kidnapping me?

I mean I would be ok with that, but where are we going?

we kept driving until we parked at an empty beach 

y/n: what are we doing here?

Adam: come on 

we got out and walked towards the water 

y/n: wow the sunset is really pretty

Adam: yeah just like you 





y/n: is there a reason why we're at the beach tho?

Adam took a deep breath in 

I could tell he was nervous

Adam: I know we haven't known each other for the long, but it feels like forever. Your smile makes me so happy, you make me happy. And the other day after I dropped you off home, I was so upset with myself that I didn't kiss you sooner. so I guess what I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?

I had tears in my eyes 

how could I say no to this boy who is pouring their heart out to me?

y/n: of course I will 

Adam gave me the biggest hug I have ever gotten 

we pulled away and we stared into each others eyes

we started to lean in

I'm about to have my first kiss

we kissed

a million butterfly were flying in my stomach 

we hugged and watched the rest of the sunset




shorty ~ Adam Jones fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now