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after Adam left to go get ready, I searched my closet for a nice dress to wear 

and then I found one that would be good to wear 

I put on a little makeup and threw on some sandals

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I put on a little makeup and threw on some sandals

I grabbed my purse and walked out of my house to Adams house

I knocked on his door and Adam opened

his jaw dropped and he looked me up and down 

Adam: woah 

he picked me and spun me around 

y/n: Adam what are you doing?

Adam: you just look so.... good

Adam makes me feel special

like there's no other person in this world

y/n: aww thank you Adam, you don't look bad yourself 

he was wearing suit pants and a button up shirt that was unbuttoned at the top revealing some of his chest 

I took his hand and I got into his car 

we drove 15 minutes to the restaurant 

as soon as we walked in, a person put leis over us 

they sat us at a table 

Adam: this place is very....

y/n: Hawaiian?

Adam: yes

y/n: well thats the whole point silly 

Adam and I ordered our drinks and food 

we were stuffed after we finished eating but we still wanted dessert

Adam: the desert here is so expensive 

y/n: I know right 

and then an idea pooped in my head

y/n: ok you wanna get free dessert?

he nodded 

y/n: I have a ring in my bag and it looks like an engagement ring

Adam: ok.. and?

I sneakily handed it to him under the table

y/n: they play slow songs for couples to dance to, while were dancing propose to me and then they'll give us free dessert 

Adam: y/n your my favorite girl but were a little young

y/n: its a fake proposal dumbass

Adam: oh ok and I'm not a dumbass

y/n: so are you in?

Adam: yep lets do it 

15 minutes a slow song came on 

all of the couples in the restaurant got up and started dancing 

Adam got up and I took his hand 

I wrapped my hands around his waist and he put his arms around my waist 

he gave me a smile and then got on one knee

he pulled the ring out of his pocket 

everyone stopped and stared 

Adam: y/n 

I started laughing 

I'm an awful actor but I still kept a surprised face

Adam: will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?

he said trying to hold in his laugh 

at this point tears were rolling down my face, not from being proposed to, from laughing 

y/n: YES 

he put the ring on my finger and everyone started clapping 

he picked me up and gave me the biggest hug 

we were still both laughing 

we sat down at our a table and the waiter brought us a congratulations ice cream cake

Adam: so when should our wedding be?

y/n: lets just try to keep this thing between us for now

we ate our desert and left the restaurant 

we walked around town for a bit and Adam drove me home 

I kissed him goodbye and went into my house

as I walked in I saw my parents on the couch

they ran up to me and gave me big hug 

I haven't seen them in a few weeks since they have been on a business trip 

mom: I missed you so much sweetie 

y/n: I missed you too 

I gave them a tight squeeze and let go 

dad: so how was it while we were gone?

y/n: a lot happened 

where do I begin?

shorty ~ Adam Jones fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now