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Adam POV

I woke up next to y/n 

I gave her a kiss on her forehead and turned on the tv quietly

I watched Netflix for a while playing with y/n's hair 

she woke up and looked at me 

Adam: good morning sunshine 

I said with a smile on my face 

y/n: good morning what time is it?

Adam: 12:30

y/n: can we sleep till like 4?

Adam: no silly I have to pack 

y/n: right, thats what we came here for

Adam: yep now get up

y/n: Adam

Adam: y/n

y/n: I don't want to get uuuuuppppp

Adam: then you leave me no choice

I took the covers off of her and picked her up 

I carried her to the living 

Isabel: finally you two are awake

y/n: sorry I like sleep 

I put y/n on the couch and sat down next to her

Yvonne and Duane walked in the living room 

yvonne: ok we have to try to pack as much as we can and whatever else is left we will get tomorrow

Duane: so everyone get their own room packed first and y/n you can just help Adam or anyone else that needs it 

y/n: alright 

Yvonne: alright get packing guys

everyone got up and went to their rooms 


I helped Adam pack half of his room

Adam: y/n why don't you go back to sleep?

y/n: because I'm helping you 

Adam: I'm almost done I can do the rest myself

y/n: ok then I'll go help the others

I walked out of Adams room and knocked on Elianas 

Eliana: come in 

I walked in 

y/n: hey Eli do you need any help?

Eliana: no its ok I'm almost done but I think Isabel might need a hand 

this could be a good time to learn more about her since we didn't start off the best

I walked out of Eli's room and knocked on Isabels 

she opened the door 

Isabel: hey y/n whats up? 

y/n: well I just wanted to see if you needed any help

Isabel: I mean I could use some help packing up the things on my desk 

I walked into her room and saw a bunch of things unorganized on her vanity 

y/n: you have a lot of stuff

Isabel: yeah 

I started to put stuff in boxes

we talked a lot about life

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