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Adam and I are now 21 

our relationship has been a dream these last few years 

charleigh has finally left us alone after I "accidentally" hit her with my car when she tried to take Adam again 

oopsies 🤗

anyways, Hayden and George are now dating 

crazy right?

they moved out and now they have an apartment 

Adam and I just moved into our own little house 

everything has been going great

Adam POV 

today is the day 

the day I ask the love of my life if she will marry me

I have been waiting for this moment since the day I met her at my meet and greet when we were 16 

crazy how time flies

I walked into the living room and looked at myself in the mirror

I hope she says yes

Adam: hey shorty are you almost ready?

she was in our bedroom getting ready for our dinner date tonight 

y/n: yep 

she walked out in this beautiful dress 

holy shit this girl is stunning 

y/n: lets go before late Adam 

we walked out of our house and got into my car

I drove us to the restaurant and the whole time I was nervous 

we finally arrived and we walked inside

we got seated and ordered food 

after dinner we ordered desert 

before it I stood her up 


after dinner Adam stood me up from my seat 

I don't what he's doing 

Adam: y/n, I love you with all of my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you 

wait a sec, is he....

then he got on his knee and pulled out a ring 

I had tears in my eyes, HE'S PROPOSING 

Adam: y/n will you make me the happiest boy alive and marry me?

the same words he said to me when he fake proposed to me

y/n: of course I will!

he got up and hugged me 

everyone in the restaurant clapped for us

he gave me a passionate kiss and just hugged for another minute 

I'm getting married to my celebrity crush I had in 11th grade 

holy shit, life is weird

Adam POV 



after desert we drove to my parents house to tell them the big news

we walked inside and saw Hayden and George 

Adam and I looked at each other and immediately started smiling 

George: what are you two smiling about?

I just held out my hand

everyones jaw dropped and they all ran over to me


my parents hugged Adam and I 

shorty ~ Adam Jones fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now