Laylah's POV.
"Well what do you know? That fancy music isn't all that bad I guess." I said to Alix as we were walking.
I was walking with him untill he reached his dorm.
I told him I had friends on campus who would take me home.
Technically that's not a lie. My friends are on campus. Getting a bite. Ha! Sometimes I just kill myself.As we walked and talked we passed a dog on a leash that was growling and barking at me.
He knew what I was.
"I don't think he likes you." Alix said.
"It's ok, I don't like him eather." I said.
When Alix couldn't see me I flashed the pup a wolf face.He sat back then, whimpering and whining.
After a few minutes we reached Alix's dorm building.
"You know, no offence but, that girlfriend of yours has to be a real bitch standing up a dynamite dude like you." I said.
" Thanks Laylah your sweet." He said as we parted ways.
I hoped down off of the stairs that were on the small porch to his dorm and started walking down the sidewalk and as I passed the corner a familiar face caught my eye.Brayleigh.
She was leaned back against the wall, smoking a cigarette.
"Your supposed to bite him on the neck you know." She said." I'm not thirsty right now." I said.
And with that I stroad off into the night with Brayleigh right behind me.
Randy's POV.
I felt myself enter Charleigh's bedroom through the window in my fog form.
Dumb little girl left the window cracked.
I let myself fill up the small room.
In no time I took my full shape as a vampire.She actually looked pretty as she slept. Almost peaceful, but I could tell there was fear behind her eyes. No matter what she told other people.
I layed down beside Charleigh on the other side of her bed.
I found a note She had written and placed under her hand.Dear Alix,
I am so terribly sorry for how I have treated you tonight. Please, please forgive me. -C.
I tossed the note to floor and began to work. I carefully removed the bandage on her shoulder and reopened the cut. I sank my teeth into her once more. Her blood tasted like no other before her. It was amazing.
After I drank from her for a while I pulled back and stood up.
She's had enough of me inside her for now.
With the quietest of movement. I left through her dorm door.
Humans were so careless. It wasn't even locked.These next couple of days were going to be fun.
I'll see to that.
Charleigh's POV.
Please don't see me! I silently prayed as I snuck up behind Alix.
He was reading one of his many School books.
I placed a box of candy in front of his face with a note that said:
Please forgive me. XOXO--Charleigh.
That made him smile.
" I am so sorry these past few days I have felt so incredibly strange."
I said." Me to Charleigh, maybe it's the full moon. I can't sleep. I can't concentrate in class." Alix said. Then he added:
"Look at the time, I should have been In the library twenty minutes ago."Alix got up and started walking and I followed him. Then I told him why I had been late and everything that had happened last night.
"Well Maybe subconsciously you just didn't want to go out with me." Alix said.
" Well maybe it was the culture part of it maybe I was a little intimidated." I said trying to come up with something that he would agree with.
"Fear of culture. Charleigh and I am so proud of you. That might also explain your fascination with low grade melodramas. Wow Charleigh, it is very hard to Explore your feelings." He said.
" Wait What do you mean by low grade melodramas?'' I asked him.
"Well I mean Blood Suckers From Beyond Isn't exactly--"
" Well have you ever seen Blood Suckers From Beyond ?" I asked him
" Well no but--" I cut him off.
"Well then you Don't know what your talking about. You know there happens to be some great literature from the field. Have you ever read Dracula? It's A great book Alix a great book." I said." Wow Charleigh I had no idea you were so passionate about the subject." Alix said.
" Well there happens to be many more subjects that I am much more passionate about. You know what? Let's have dinner tonight. Just you and me." I said.
" No Charleigh I can't I Have got to study tonight." He Said.
" Oh come on. I'll help you study, I'll bring you dinner, I'll be your perfect study buddy." I said.
" Come on I'll bring my books and I'll study with you." I said.
He was about to reply when we were interrupted.
"Charleigh!" Prysillah's voice rang out.
"Oh my God Charleigh thank God I found you!" She said.
"I've been looking for you two all over. I am petrified. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. You were right It is happening again." She said.
" Prysillah what we saw last night was an act. that's all it was, an act." I said.
" He didn't cast any reflection." She said.
"Prysillah that's just all part of his act." I said.
" No it is not part of his act. Think about what happened Before. what we went through together." She said.
" I think your wasting your breath Ms. Vincent." Alix said.
" Prysillah Listen to me there are no vampires." I said.
A look of pure sadness came over her face.
" Well I warned you. I warned you." She said before taking off.
Prysillah's POV.
What in the world could be the matter with Charleigh.
What has gotten into her?Randy.
I corrected myself. Randy Dandrige is what's gotten into her.
He has her fooled. So much so.But he will fool me no longer. I have already packed everything I can and Put everything into the trunk of my car. I have to go.
I glance One last time at my home and the building itself before I pulled out.
God help Charleigh and Alix.
★★††★★††★★††★★††★★††Another one down!
Hello friends. Hope your all having a great day.Love and hugs from me to you. I love you all and thank you for taking time to read this book.
Tell me do you like Randy or Jerri better? I can't pick. love them both.
Fang's And Blood Part 2: Fright Night Part 2 Reimagined.
Fanfic(You Don't Have To Watch The Movie To Read This) The Suckers Are Back... Prysillah Vincent "The Great Vampire Killer." And Charleigh Brewster are back .... And so are the bloodthirsty creatures of the night. Three years have passed since Charleigh a...