Philosopher stone part 14

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As I finished my song about love and my family but I don't think the rest got it. As different songs played through the nights one played and we told everyone to partner up on the dance floor under the holly tinsel and disco ball to the foor the waltz from 1864 I started with George then draco then Harry then fred then my dad and kol then Ron and back to George. After the magical waltz which makes people always feel better and I never know why but I does. My family guided the rest of the school including the teachers to our large bonfire we could see that they were confused so we enlightened them. Well I did.

"Each year you write down something you want to come true for your friend or family member like you have done. Afterwards you burn it and like 80% of the time they come true. Dont ask how we dont know it just does so please. At your own time chuck the paper into the fire. Like this"
You and your family demonstrate how to and moved back to let others do.

You move next to kol and hide in his coat which he laughs at. You pull a pouty face and look angry which makes him laugh more before getting marcel.



He then notices me freezing in my dress so he takes of his black leather jacket with fur inside and dropped it around my shoulders. For some reason I only like Marcels jackets their the best. Just dont ask. Its weird I know. Soon my dad walks over and I have a bright idea that pops into my head you take his hand and tell Marcel to take rebakah. Which he does

I pull my dad on a flat grass patch and stand on his toes leaning in his chest slow dancing with my dad. Its one of the best things to do if not one of my favourites. My dad is my idol I know he has flaws but it's not his fault it happens with a thousand years on the run. You can't blame him can you. I didn't even notice that my eyes were getting heavy.


Me and maya are slow dancing with her on my shoes and her dress blowing in the wind with Marcel oversized jacket wrapped around her tight due to the coldness. I feel at peace and happy when were like this and I know this is her favourite thing to do. It calms her and let's her think while she dancing softly on my feet swaying in the wind. As I look at my angel who brought me out the darkness I know I have hope and i love her. I know that Maya gets the attention from the others more then hope its because we all get a sense of being while happy and safe with her like she is our home. She doesn't judge what we have done in the past unlike hope and I know she has lost her innocents. I wanted that to last longer then the age of five when the first person tried and killed her and the rest of the family. Ever since she's been grown up always looking over her shoulder But the things is she is fearless she made Mikeal the destroyer scared of a 9 year old thats how scary she can be. But she embraces all the family's antic squabbles daily daggering and un daggering due to her. She dont mind but she likes going and talking or have fun with the other and it helps them calm down. Its like she can't survive without the rest of us and we know and love that so we try not kill eachother longer then a day. She's been surving at hogwarts but I don't know if it's real as she can hide it perfectly. I look down and notice she is asleep peacefully. I understand she hasn't been sleeping well and that I thik is because she doesn't have us.

I carry her to the rest of our family who are dancing with eachother as i bring her closer they look worried about her then all her friends came i just wanted family time minus the phsycopath and ripaah vampires not witches or wizards but I noticed they had the same look as her family worry. I put them at ease

"She fell asleep while dancing so I was wondering most ginger kids can she be with you lot again "

"Yes sir"

"Kluas not the boys again. What about luna I know that she is close with her or who ever she calls minnie not the boys."

"If you hadn't noticed marcel most of her friends are boys only two who are girls and they are in different house. The boys will do "

"We can't stay here if we could we would but we need to make it safe for her to come over in the summer."

"Why whats going on."

"Vampire witches and werewolf are trying g to kill her. But not your types of witches their different they are connected to nature need sacrifice to have power. Like sacrificing my daughter would give them unlimited power. So we have to make it safe."

"If not she could stay at ours and one of you could stay as well."

"We will think  about it Ron and no draco not yours not after what happened at the beginning of the year the others may have forgiven you but I haven't. "

"Yes kol "

"Kol stop scaring the lad"

As I carried maya to the gryfindor rooms with our entire family plus her friends following is a lot of people. Anyway I put her on the bed closet to the boys and let rebekah and Freya change her as they are girls. Once they have come out we told the boys to change in the bathroom. So one at a time they went changing we noticed that they weren't poor but didn't have money at the same time. Anyway we left to go the rest of the party and let the boys look after.


Maya was placed on my bed which was soo great. As i got
Into it I didn't lay down I let the boys in the room glare at the girl they obviously like w
her as I think of her more as a sister and she thinks the same as me. That in like a brother to her. We had this chat that he is the fifth adopted brother she has. Which made me laugh as its an honour to be thought as a brother to her cause apparently its rare as she trusts rarely and goes of an energy the person gives apparently its one of her witchy powers she can see if that person is good or bad. Another thing thats rare is Like her crying she has ever only cried once don't when dont know why but its her business we can know when she's ready. I thought of annoying them so I placed a kiss on her cheek which annoyed the others which made me smirk even more. Its weird them being jealous of me normally the other way around. I'm not that lucky with my brothers. We all just sit and glare at eachother until.....

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