•1• Shinjiro?

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"Kakashi-sensei! I think she's waking up!"

A groan escaped the lying female's lips at the sudden loudness. Slowly, her (e/c) eyes fluttered open, only to stare at a blank ceiling. The (h/c) haired girl felt someone help her up, yet didn't bother to check who.

Once her back was leaning against the wall, the (e/c) eyed girl looked around to find four people staring at her, all with curious eyes.

After seconds of staring at them in silence, a blond-haired male stepped next to the bed and introduced himself in a loud tone with a bright smile on his face, "My name is Naruto! I found you in the river!"

The (h/c) haired girl said nothing for a few seconds, causing Naruto's smile to falter. "Oi Naruto, you shouldn't be too loud. She just woke up." The (h/c) haired girl turned her attention to the sound of the voice to reveal a long pink-haired female, and next to her stood a black haired male, who had an annoyed look on his face.

"Oi Sakura-chan—"

Wanting to know where she was, the female decided to ask the person who found her, "Na..." she began, catching the attention of everyone in the room, "Naruto?" she spoke in a questioning tone, unsure if she was saying it correctly.

Suddenly, the blond was directly in front of her, their noses almost touching. "Like that! Like that! Naruto! That's my name! And I'm gonna be the next Hokage!"

Slightly tilting her head to the side, the female repeated, "Hok... Hokage?"

Naruto frequently nodded his head and was about to say something else when he was pulled away from her. "Oi Naruto, give her space to breathe." The (h/c) haired female looked up to find a white-haired male scolding the blond. She didn't know from where yet she recognized that voice; that calm and soothing voice.

The white-haired male noticed her attention and smiled at the female, causing a low blush to appear on her cheeks. "I'm Kakashi Hatake, and this is my team; Sasuke Uchiha," he gestured towards the black-haired male, who only let out a low scoff. "Sakura Haruno," the white-haired male gestured towards the pink-haired female, who gave a small wave, "And as you already know, Naruto."

The (h/c) haired female nodded her head before responding, "It's nice to meet you all."

It was a few seconds of silence until Naruto spoke up in a loud tone, "Hey! Where are you from?" That question caught the attention of his teammates, who turned to face the (h/c) haired girl in front of them.

'Where am I from?' she thought to herself, trying to remember, yet she couldn't. Her mind was blank. The (e/c) eyed girl closed her eyes as she began scratching her head, trying to remember. 'Think! Think!'

"Hey!" her (e/c) eyes shot open and looked up to find a pair of soothing black eyes staring down at her. "Don't force yourself." The female found herself nodding at the male's words.

A doctor was called into the room, and soon, the team left the room. The doctor asked the female a few questions, all the female answered truthfully to the best of their abilities.

"Alright, we just have one more question, you're doing great, sweetie." The female nodded her head, her lips widening at the compliment. "Do you know a person named Shinjiro?"

The smile immediately disappeared from her lips as her mind went blank. Suddenly, flashes of light began playing in her mind in rapid motion.

A brown-haired child, looking around six years old had a bright smile on his face as he introduced, "My name's Shinjiro! What's yours?"

A child, around the age of nine, had big blue eyes as he pleaded in a low tone, "(Y/N), please... stop."

A teenager, around the age of fifteen, had a nervous expression on his face as he nodded his head, "Hello, (Y/N)."


Breathing deeply, (e/c) eyes shot open. She slowly took in her surrounding, and it was only after a few seconds did she calm down. 'I'm back here,' she thought as she stared at the medical room. She turned her head towards the side, to find the silver-haired male, Kakashi Hatake, sitting on the chair next to the bed, his black eyes closed.

The female assumed he was sleeping and didn't bother to wake him up. She removed the covers from her body to reveal a short, dress barely covering her butt. Still, the (h/c) haired female got off from the bed and was about to walk away when something held her back.

She turned around to find what looked like a cord attached to her arms. Fear filled her body as she began trying to pull them off silently. 'Get it off,' those words kept on repeating inside her head.

After she had finally pulled them off, the female quickly exited the room and began walking around. She was trying to find something familiar because her blank mind terrified her; the fact of not knowing who she truly was troubled her.

The (h\c) haired female walked around until she arrived in front of a garden. She walked towards it and sat down, her knees covering her butt. She stared at the flowers in front of her with tears in her eyes. Soon, liquid began to pour down from her (e/c) eyes.

"Huh? Why am I crying over Irises?"

Standing up, the female began to walk around until she somehow left the hospital. She looked at the sky and could tell the sun was about to rise. She decided that before she went back to her room, she would at least look around the streets of wherever she was.

Curious eyes looked around, captivated by the sight surrounding her. "Seventy-Eight! Seventy-Nine! Eighty! Eighty—" The female wasn't paying attention and accidentally bumped into someone, causing her to stumble back a few steps.

"I'm sorry!" the female looked up to find a pair of legs. She looked down to find a teenage male, who looked a year or two younger than her, doing a handstand while wearing a green jumpsuit. He had a bowl hair cut and bushy eyebrows.

"It's fine, goodbye." was all the female said before she scurried off elsewhere. Seconds later, she found herself sitting down on a grass field under a tree, staring at the sunrise.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" the female flinched before she turned to find the white-haired male staring at the sun. After a few seconds, he looked down at her and gave her a small smile.

He sat down next to her, giving off a relaxed aura. He turned to face her, and scratched the back of his head before he began, "Kakashi Hatake; that's my name. I'm not good at this but you have no memory of where you are; you probably know that. You're going to stay with me for a while, even though Naruto found you, he isn't responsible enough to take care of a teenager." a blush of embarrassment was spread on the white-haired male's cheeks before he continued, "I'm not responsible to take care of a teenager but there is no one else so you'll have to go with me. You're around fifteen years old, and we still don't know your clan."

After a long term of silence, the female finally spoke, "(Y/N)." she looked back at the sun as it slowly rose to the sky. Her hair flowing through the wind, she turned to face Kakashi before she spoke up, "(Y/N), that's my name."

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