Hunting A Deer (Shudders)

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This was originally posted in Shudders but I decided to move it here.

    Mornings were always freezing cold and uncomfortable despite the massive fire pit burning in the corner. Whatever debris that won't be of much use was tossed into a trash pile and ignited to provide a small group of demons some warmth.

A demon with the appearance of a pale little boy, medium length brown hair, and bright snake-like pastel green eyes stood impatiently at the exit of the abandoned school his group was currently staying at. The boy ignored how cold he was from being away from the fire, his excitement keeping him occupied instead. "What's taking them so long?!" He huffed, kicking the dust around his boots. Today, him and his best friend were going to hunt deer for the first time and his father, the leader of his group, was coming along. The boy has hunted animals before, sometimes humans too, but never with other demons. When he heard footsteps running towards him, his green eyes looked up and instantly grinned when he saw his best friend heading towards him. "Finally! You were taking forever, Vam!"

Vam huffed and crossed her arms. She had the appearance of a child as well, a little girl with curly blond hair that reached her shoulders, blank white eyes and snow white skin, and three sets of arms that made her look like a spider. "I would've been ready sooner if SOMEONE didn't steal my jacket!" She eyed the navy blue parka the boy was wearing as he just smiled innocently. "Any idea who it could be, TUCA?"

Tuca, the boy, pretended to not know even though he can feel her glares. "I have no clue..."

Vam grumbled something under her breath about having to wear a big coat that was owned by one of the fatter demons. It fitted her like an oversized dress.

The two kids walked outside to the snow covered courtyard of the school. They were heading to the blown out portion of the school to meet Tuca's father, J'iraiya. Vam skipped in the snow and used her telekinetic abilities to keep herself from slipping while her best friend had a much harder time, almost falling on his face a couple of times. When the two reached the part of the school with a massive hole in the walls leading to a small town, Tuca broke into a sprint when he saw his father patiently waiting for them. "DAD!"

The much older and huge demon turned and spotted the two kids running towards him. He was eight feet tall in height, had pitched black skin the was rough and jagged and a muscular build. His head was fused with the skull of a buck with two sets of antlers growing from his head and long jet black hair that flowed to his waist in a messy ponytail. He was indeed threatening upon first glances and gave literally everything a heart attack on site but to the kids, he was their father figure. Someone they felt safe around. J'iraiya didn't speak but instead nodded his head in the direction they'll be heading in and the kids started to follow.

"What if we find a group of humans?" Vam excitedly spoke. "Can we fight humans if we see any J'iraiya?"

Tuca seemed unsure of fighting humans. They didn't scare him but their weapons did worry him. "But humans travel in big groups and you're still a kid."

Vam squinted her white eyes at him. "You're a kid too!"

"Not really."

"No, Vam." J'iraiya's deep voice cut the two off. "If you see any humans, don't intervene. Find me instead."

Vam pouted but nodded anyways. She really wanted to fight her first human, everyone in her group has besides her.

For the rest of the day, Tuca and Vam ventured off together into the small town in search of deer or any animal just as large. While they hunted, J'iraiya stalked the perimeter of the main streets the kids were on to make sure no enemy demons or human groups messed with the two. Tuca ran out from an alley and crouched behind an overturned car. He peeked out down the nature infested street to two does and a buck peacefully eating grass. His slitted green eyes focused on the huge buck, planning on how he'll kill it without scaring the two does. If he manages to get one of them, he'll be happy but the buck had more meat. As Tuca was ready to move closer, he felt someone jump next to him and the boy almost yelped in surprise. Vam giggled as she reached into her coat's pocket and pulled out three sharpened pieces of metal poles the size of knives. Her other hand did a motion that made the weapons float next to her in the air. "I'll get the big one! You get the females!"

"But I call the buck!" Tuca argued. "I was here first!"

Vam only smiled and started hovering in the air, she stretched her three sets of arms and looked determined towards the huge buck. "Well, I'm here now. Whoever kills it first has to do the other's chores for a month!"

"A month?!" That wasn't fair, the boy has more chores than Vam! "But-"


The demon girl quickly jumped into action and used her telekinesis to propel herself through the air with her weapons following close behind. "Vam!" Tuca yelled as he started running after her while he also started using his abilities. As he ran, his body began growing scales and becoming longer until he couldn't run anymore. What replaced the little boy was a large serpent the size of an anaconda but the body of a cobra with the speed of something otherworldly. The snake caught up to Vam just in time as the girl went to stab the buck in the head. She felt something scaly wrap around her left leg and throw her back in the air and away from her target. She squealed as she did circles mid-air before controlling herself, glaring at the snake that caught the buck before it could run away. "TUCA!" She yelled as her best friend bit into the frantic deer's neck and injected venom into its bloodstream.

Vam grumbled when the buck stopped moving quickly afterwards. "Great..." Instead of killing what she wanted to kill, she sent her weapons after the fleeing does instead. Each one hitting their targets and effectively sending them to the ground. She used her telekinesis to bring the bodies towards her and felt a small pair of eyes watching her. Without looking, she rolled hers, "Yea yea, you win.

Tuca unwrapped himself from the buck's body and slithered happily back to where his clothes were.

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