The Clone (Random)

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It was supposed to be a normal day at the lab. At least as normal as 'cloning and messing with genetics' can be.

The cloning part was still in its early stages of development. Something that some rich billionaire funded that wasn't anything different from spaceships or alternative forms of money. So the lab I worked at took on the task and changed their name and image to include cloning into the mix. I wasn't a scientist, or a lab tech, not even close to the CEO in terms of position. Just a simple receptionist who worked the front desk. So I never got to see the action that goes on in the deeper parts of the lab. It tends to be very uneventful up at the front...

But not until today.

I was sitting at my desk with two other receptionists on either of my sides. One greeted a visitor, the other was leaving on their lunch break. I took the time to sort through some emails and just blocking the world out around me. I tend to get hyper focused on the task in front of me.

The night sky filled the large windows of the lobby and I knew the end of my shift was coming. My eyes glanced down at the time on my computer. 9:13 PM. Just 14 more minutes until I can go home.

I sighed and leaned back into my chair. The guest my coworker was talking to had since left so it was only just the two of us in the large lobby. She relaxed into her own chair and got started on her work while I looked up at the night sky outside. But then I noticed something from the corner of my eye.

I turned my head to the hall to my left labeled 'Lab B'. Peeking through the doors was a figure, one with messing brown hair and skin that looked like it lacked any warmth to it. Its fingers were crooked and formed in weird ways, but had a large birthmark on the inner to outer side of their right arm. One that was a little too similar to mine. But the way it stood seemed unnatural despite most of its body being blocked by the door made me not question the birthmark much upon seeing this thing.

And it just stood there. Watching me. It's milky green eyes boring into mines. I was frozen to my seat and felt my heart speed up. My own green eyes staring back in horror. Did anyone else see them?

I reached my hand back to my coworker and quickly tapped her shoulder. "H-Hey. Do you see that?"

I turned my head to her for only a few seconds to see if she's looking. She moved her head up and followed my finger toward the hall door and didn't seem as struck with fear as I was. "No? What do you mean?"

My eyes widened and I quickly turned back. It was gone. The doors were closed like it was never there. "What..?"

"Maybe you're just tired. It is pretty late after all." My coworker spoke as she sipped her coffee. She usually worked the night shifts and I didn't. I was feeling tired but... not tired enough to start seeing creepy things.

But I didn't want to seem crazy or loopy. I slowly turned back to my computer and nodded to her but I still felt uneasy. The image of that thing wouldn't leave my mind. And I couldn't help but think that it kind of looked like...


The end of my shift came and I quickly went to clock out. My whole journey to the employees room where the time clock was was filled with me looking over my shoulder and jumping at every little thing. I held the strap of my bag tightly in my hand as I used the other to punch out. I quickly turned to leave, wanting to go home as soon as possible. But I accidentally ran into someone who was behind me and I yelped in fright while jumping back.

"Woah woah! Easy there!" Came the chuckle of Steven, one of the lab techs and someone I was work friends with. He held up his hands to calm me and I felt relieved that it was him. "You okay? You look like you just seen a ghost."

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