If The Roles Were Reversed (Shudders)

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"Let me tell you Mr. Tilks- this one was pretty tricky to catch." Sputtered Mr. Fidero as he recalled the reports of their latest demon capture.

He entered an elevator with one of his Keeper employees Mr. Tilks, a man who has been working for him for just a few years now.

"It tried to run away, even tried to throw the Capturers off. But according to the reports, it started causing mass hallucinations to several of our people before Capturers were able to subdue it with the tranquilizers." Mr. Fidero looked shaken up by this but he almost always was whenever a demon that was difficult to catch gets brought in.

Mr. Tilks didn't respond, instead looking over the documents of the new demon he was in charge of. He was specialized in being assigned to A-class demons so he assumes this new one was in the ranking that he's grown used to. His dark brown eyes gazed over the reports some more before seeing a line that caused him to narrow his eyes.

"Joint assigned to Christian Vet..?" His monotone voice dragged out, grabbing the attention of his boss.

"Oh yes, Mr. Vet happened to lose yet another demon under his care..." Mr. Fidero had this exhausted tone that showed this happened quite a number of times. "So I decided to assign him with you as a way to help him improve. Hopefully, you'll be a good influence, or else I'll have to let him go."

When the boss glanced up at the tall Keeper, he didn't expect to see the man look so irritated to the point it was ominous.

Mr. Tilks' deep brown eyes glowered at the thought of having to work with someone whose reputation as a Keeper was a shit show.

The elevator soon opened up and before Mr. Tilks could exit he met the blue eyes of his joint Keeper partner.

Christian looked up from his phone and looked between the tall guy and his boss before angrily huffing. "About time you guys showed up! And I thought I was late."

Guess it's time to properly introduce them. Mr. Fidero exited the elevator with Mr. Tilks and held his arms out. "Gentleman, may I happily introduce you to one another! From here on you will both be joint Keepers to our newly arrived C3."

The two men both looked each other up and down. Both unimpressed.

Mr. Tilks, or from what Christian has heard was named Kaiden, has been working here for about 5 years now. Taking after his mother who had retired just before Kaiden came along. He was a tall man, about 6'0 with long jet black curly hair that he kept tied back with a few strands hanging loose. He had deep skin that made the white of his uniform stand out but what made him intimidating to all the other Keepers was the unemotional dark look he kept in his eyes. Almost like the world around him caused him great annoyance.

But Christian wasn't at all intimidated by him. He was more irritated at the fact that he has to work with somebody now.

Kaiden on the other hand heard a lot of rumors about Christian that made him want to ask Mr. Fidero if was he in his right mind to pair him with somebody like Christian.

Despite being an immature, loud mouthed, serial lover that the guy was known for, Christian was a bit older than Kaiden which you wouldn't believe at first glance. Christian did look more youthful, having messy blond hair reminiscent of a rambunctious child, bright blue eyes that held malicious intent behind them, and pale skin with a slight red tint around his nose and cheeks. He looked like a teenager. The only thing that gave away his age was his muscular build and the Keeper uniform without the lab coat that he purposely chooses to leave out.

"If you two would follow me, I'll show you where C3 is being kept." Mr. Fidero nervously spoke since he was on the A-class floor. These demons were dangerous but not as bad as the S-class down below.

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