15. Breakfast

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Sakusa and Atsumu woke up once more, they had fallen asleep from.. earlier activities. Sakusa got out of bed and went straight to the shower. "Ugh, I can't believe I didn't shower." Sakusa growled.

He took a quick shower then got dressed, he was in the middle of putting his boxer's on when, "My oh my, yer little guy is out." Atsumu teased, blushing slightly. "Pervert." Sakusa growled as he slipped his cloths on. Atsumu giggled.

He got out of the bed, naked. Sakusa couldn't help but stare at his fiance. "Like what you see?" Atsumu teased. "Mhm." Atsumu blushed at Sakusa's answer, not expecting it. He covered his face and ran to the shower. Sakusa smiled to himself and walked out of the bedroom.

He sat on the couch and saw a note on the coffee table. "Damn, I feel like I find these almost every week.." he whispered to himself.

Hello Kiyoomi! Noah and I will be out for the day, we are buying something for you and your Tsumu, like an engagement present! Not telling you what exactly were buying though, see you at around 4:30 this evening! Love, Mom<3

Sakusa smiled. He leaned back into the couch jumping up instantly when he heard a loud crash come from his bathroom. He ran to his room and saw Atsumu giggling laying on the floor with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What happened!?" Sakusa said. "Pfft! I slipped!" he laughed. "How is that funny..? And, and, are you hurt?" Sakusa asked as he helped Atsumu stand up. "I thought it was funny! Plus I didn't break anything Omi!" Atsumu whined.

Sakusa sighed and pulled Atsumu to their room, throwing him on the bed. "Get dressed piss hair." Sakusa mumbled. Atsumu pouted. "Ya better be nice to yer fiance mister!" Sakusa blushed and kissed his cheek.

"Your Majesty, please get dressed~" Sakusa teased. Atsumu gently hit his shoulder and nodded standing up and changing while Sakusa walked out of the room and began preparing breakfast for the two.

* * *

{Kiyoomi Sakusa Perspective}

Sakusa reached up to grab the pancake mix along with the cinnamon sugar and the bread from the pantry. He bent down and grabbed a small pan to make the pancakes.

The black haired male put the toast in the toaster and began making the cinnamon pancakes. Sakusa grabbed a spatula and flipped the pancakes a few times before finally turning the stove off and placing the pancakes on a black china plate.

"Dash of sugar.." he whispered to himself. He pinched the sugar and sprinkled it on that pancakes, smiling at his work. He then sat down, scrolling on instagram, waiting for Atsumu.

* * *

{Atsumu Miya Perspective}

Atsumu growled lowly as he slipped a black t-shirt on. He walked around the closet trying to find one of Sakusa's hoodies, he found a black one he made Sakusa. On the front it said 'Omi' and on the back it had a bunch of little hearts.

The mask he made him a while ago matched with it. Atsumu smiled to himself and slipped the oversized hoodie on, inhaling the scent. Atsumu slipped on a pair of white socks and walked out of the room.

Only wearing a shirt, hoodie, socks , and boxer's. He saw Sakusa doing something on his phone so he quietly walked over to him and sat down on his lap.

* * *

{Atsumu Miya P.O.V}

"Tsumu, is that the hoodie you made me?" Omi asked. I nodded happily. He put his head in my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Don't get it dirty..that one is my favorite.." he mumbled.

I chuckled a little bit and kissed the top of his head, I started playing his his black curls while he hummed softly. "Does that feel good?" I ask him. "Mhm." I continue to play with his curls and occasionally get fed by Omi!

After we both finished breakfast we sat down on the couch and started watching the dolphin documentary! Well, I was watching, Omi was laying down on my lap letting me play with his hair. "Yer cute Omi.." I mumbled. "L-Love you *yawn* tsumu.." he whispered.

"hehe, omi! It's only 12, you can't go back to sleep, we only just woke up theory minutes ago!" I whined. Omi groaned. "Twenty minutes..then I'll wake up." I sighed and continued playing with his hair. Needs a trim. Huh..I wonder where is mom went.

* * *
An hour later
* * *

{Kiyoomi Sakusa P.O.V}

"Ngh...what?" I groan. "Omi! It's been an hour, ya said twenty minutes!" Tsumu whined. I nodded and sat up rubbing my eyes. "Hey, Omi?" he called. "Yes baby Atsu?" I yawned. He blushed slightly. "Can we go get our hairs cut, like a little bit." I nod, he sat up and dragged me to our room.

"Hey, put a mask on." I mumbled. He smiles and grabbed a white mask from my desk. I put a sweat shirt on a grabbed my mask Atsu made me when we first started dating. Oh shit! I forgot a made him one!

"Atsu, come here." he walked over to me and looked at me clearly confused. I pulled his mask off and placed a different one on his face. Embroidered on it was the word: Tsumu, I also had the company add a few hearts.

He looked in the mirror and smiled. "Thanks omi! Oh, we need to buy more gloves!" he said. I nod and grab a small piece of paper. "What else?" I ask, writing down the word gloves. He started saying more cleaning supplies we need.

"Atsu, we can get some snacks to." I comment. "Are ya sure?" he asks. I nod, giving him a little smile. "Okay then..chips and ice cream! Hmm, and maybe fatty tuna..if that's okay!" "Atsu, it's fine..fatty tuna, right?" I call. "Mhm!" I finished writing down all the things we will be getting at the store (after we get our hair cut) and walk out the door with Tsumu.

Okay, hair cuts then the store.. store. Shit! Why the store!? Dirty shits are all around there, ugh! This is for tsumu and plus it's after the haircuts..I got this.

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