Yo yo

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Yoyo, I'm alive with a few things to say, kinda just want to touch everything so this post is a little long. I've sectioned it up so you can find what you're looking to know, and I've underlined important statements.

Where have I been?

About my return

Thank You

Where have I been?

Where the fuck have I been? I've been rotting away as of recent, not going to delve into it too much but over the last few years I've become very isolated and I've lost touch with everything I used to love, including Danganronpa. In short, I'm a hollow shell of who I used to be, and I find myself desperately trying to become who I once was but it's not working. I'm still creative, I still have ideas, I still make stories, but I spend so much time crying, sulking, and dissociating, that I hardly get anything done except for schoolwork. However for me, school is out and summer has begun, but I still find myself crying in bed for the better half of the day wishing for things to be better. I don't have any real interests or hobbies anymore that ground me, so I'm just kinda floating around waiting for a measly excuse to die. And I know what some of you guys are thinking "Pick your ass up and write, laying in bed isn't going to fix the problems you have." And you're right, that's why over the past few years I've been contemplating returning, because writing has always been a great outlet/distraction for me and I used to love Danganronpa.

About my return:

It almost feels disingenuous to just pick back up and not have the same passion for this I used to. When I was writing all my stories for Danganronpa I was 11-13 and I genuinely didn't have much going for me except for Danganronpa. 4 hours of sleep almost every night because I was up writing, and not by force either, I just loved Danganronpa and interacting with the community so much. Even though every story I ever wrote excluding oneshits were left unfinished I almost feel it should stay that way, because the same author can't return to finish it. I'm not the same person I used to be.

I've definitely looked back at my stories and had to stop reading because I couldn't take it. I found myself saying "I was cringe", which resulted in me unpublishing everything. I was asked to reupload my stuff and I want to but I feel dumb doing so, like this shit is cringy, edgy, and dare I say chronically online. I do feel like all my fanfic belongs on the internet though, so I'll do this. I'll reupload all my stuff in a bit, and then I'll take it down again when I need to (very rarely, few and far between). I'm contemplating making a new account to upload everything to so it's not on this one (my main) but if I go through with that I'll update everyone. What enables me to even consider publishing my content again is a revelation I just had. I wasn't cringe, I was a kid. When I reupload everything if you consider going through it again read with that in mind, I was a kid. Of course I apologize for anything crazy or over the top, like I said I couldn't bring myself to read everything so this is me saying now, you have been warned because I can't remember half the crap I wrote and I kinda don't want to know, reread at your will, but do so with caution.

Last reason why I wouldn't return is because we're all growing up now. The Danganronpa fandom is sizzling out, and I'm happy knowing I was influential for some of you. I just entered middle school when I entered the fandom, now I'm an upperclassmen in highschool. Dare I say it, Danganronpa is a dead fandom, not that I don't mind being in a dead fandom, it's just my current goal has been trying to make more friends so I'm less alone and to do so I'm considering interacting with live fandoms, like furries for example. Instead of defiling the grave that is Danganronpa I want to place a rose beside the tombstone and bask in the glory it once had. I feel like it's better for me to find a more lively community and repost all this so my "legacy" remains intact.

So the ultimate question, will I return? Maybe. Its been what like 2-3 years and I can't give you a definitive answer, because I might return. I could get into Danganronpa again or maybe I'll become obsessed with something new, and I'll return to this page representing a different fandom. Like I said, I like writing. I still have ideas. It is plausible I could return but I'm not guaranteeing anything.

Thank You

When the Covid 19 pandemic began I was 11 and I had no friends and not close with family. I was a very miserable closeted trans guy and truly I was on my way out. I overheard a girl talking about Danganronpa and because I had no life I decided to check it out, and that was the most influential decision in my entire life. Danganronpa was my hyperfixation during Covid and with official content being limited Danganronpa was the start to my consumption of fanfiction, and even that is limited so I started creating my own.

Funny thing, I remember during my online English class my teacher never taught and I got the highest score possible on the state test at the end of the year because I wrote and read so much damn fanfiction, and to this day I flex to my peers that reading smut and writing fanfiction got me in the 99th percentile.

The Danganronpa community was nothing but good to me and I felt a whole hell of a lot less alone. The time where I was most certain I'd die from disease or my own hands was one of the best times of my life. Danganronpa was definitely one of the most cringy fandoms but as I like to say "to be cringe is to be free". When I wrote for this fandom I felt free, whatever that means. I've gotta credit that to all of you who read my content and interacted with me.

I find myself now being heavily affected by my peers who feel anime is cringe, furries are cringe, queer people are cringe, everything that isn't vaping, sex, snapchat, and fashion trends are cringe. I want to fit in so bad but I only find myself lost because that isn't who I am. I am cringe, corny, borderline insufferable (but not to the extent I was years ago), and I thank you all for enabling me to be that way. If I never return to writing on wattpad I'd like to leave you guys with this, if I've learned anything on my hiatus it's you can't change who you are. As far as I know this is your first and only time living, so do stupid shit (within reason) and have fun. Don't fret over what you're not, relish in what you are, otherwise you'll end up like me, miserable and lost.

I'm looking for the next big thing for me though, like fandom-wise, so if you have any ideas for things I should look into let me know.

Thank you all for being involved in the most influential era of my life. When everyone else I knew had a loving family, friends, and private tutors, I had Danganronpa, My Hero Academia, and my beloved, Wattpad. Amongst a class of approx. 300 highschool students academically I stand at #3. You internet people had to have caused that, because I can assure you no one physically present in my life did. You saved a hopeless kid. You saved me.

Peeve out, Chris. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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