Monsters and Ice Cream

507 18 32

Tommy Lee

It's around two AM. I wake up to an emptiness. He isn't in my arms anymore. I groan and blink, noticing that someone switched the TV off.

My eyes slowly adjust to the darkness of Sixxs' large mansion. I can vaguely see a light on in the bathroom. Nikki. My heart lurches and I light a cigarette as I check the bathroom.

The door is closed and I hesitate for a second, hearing a broken voice slip from under the door. My heart absolutely breaks in half as I listen to him tear himself apart.

"You're a fucking monster. You're a fucking monster. You're a fucking monster." Nikki repeats to himself, over and over.

My hand is on the knob. I can't bear to listen to this, but I don't want to freak him out either. After a couple more seconds of him beating himself down, I run into the bathroom.

He's standing, bent over in what seems like pain. There's a used needle and a burnt spoon on the counter. I assume it held heroin. I don't get the big deal about smack, I tried it once with Nikki. The high was intense but after 30 seconds I threw up and passed out.

"Nik darling, you aren't a monster." I say, pressing my body to his and giving him a soft kiss. I make sure not to burn him with my cigarette.

"Mmm." He mumbles.

I pull slightly away, just to take a drag of my cigarette and hold my breath. Then I smash his lips to mine and release my smoke. Our tongues mingle as the smoke floats between our mouths. I push my free hand up his shirt, letting my tongue hang lazily out of my mouth.

"Tommy it's just that immamessssssss." He cries and then buries his face into my shoulder.

"Nikki everyone is and I am too. But messes can be good sometimes." I say, stroking his rib cage.

"Mhm." He says softly, lapsing back into silence. An idea pops into my head.

"Sixx where's your car keys?" I ask.

"Kitchen. Why?"

"We're gonna go get ice cream and drive around for a bit and then come back and do some angel dust." I say, putting my cigarette out and throwing it on the floor.

"But what about...this?!" Nikki asks, gesturing to his swollen and bruised throat, rope burn and sores the only thing that cuts through the nasty purple and grey.

"I'll let you wear my scarf." I say, not wanting to look down at the glaring reminder that I nearly caused the man I love to kill himself. Nikki nods, hiding himself in clothes to where even I wouldn't
recognize him.

Then we head out, the radio playing in the background. When we get to the ice cream parlor, I order for Nikki, because he said he was too high to. And sure enough, he is, stumbling around the parlor until I grab him and hold him in place.

I get strawberry, and he gets rocky road. We both sit at a table, neon lights from the sign outside flooding the window. Nikki grins at me with his beautiful grin.

We don't see that grin much, it's mostly replaced by a dead stare. I'm just glad I'm seeing it tonight. The parlor is almost empty, except for a couple of kids and a teen at a far table, and 3 other people scattered about.

Still, I don't take the chance of even squeezing his hand. I know it's a risky thing even if nobody cared. I know people can twist completely innocent things and make you seem like the devil. Although with our reputation we're probably more dangerous than the devil.

After a couple of minutes I feel someone tug on the sleeve of my shirt. I look down to see a little girl, who is maybe 4 years old. She stares up at me with the biggest grin in the universe. I smile to match it.

"Well hey there." I greet, looking over at Nikki. He's talking to a slightly older girl with blonde hair.

She smiles and holds something out for him to sign, which he gladly does.

"Tommy Lee?" The little girl next to me asks.

"Yeah?" I ask

"Can you sign my unicorn?" She asks, bright eyes gleaming.

I take it from her uncertainly. I'm not sure if I should mark up this kids shit. Plus why are these kids awake so late? She nods and I grab a sharpie from Nikki. I sign it with a heart at the end, and she prances over to Nikki.

"Why the fuck are you kids up so late?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

The oldest, a teen with a shaggy mane wearing a Ratt T-shirt, shrugs. "Our parents were fighting so I took them out for ice cream."

Nikki looks up from flipping his lighter and showing the little one a trick. Who says that motherfucker isn't good with kids? He gives the teenager a sympathetic look.

"Having parents who fight all the time sucks. That way with a lot of my stepdads." He says in a soft tone. The teenager nods and Nikki shakes his hand.

After the kids leave he puts his hat and sunglasses back on. He kinda looks like a chick, but then again, so do I on rare occasions.

Little did I know, being in an ice cream parlor with a "mystery person" and a poorly shot photograph would come back to bite me in the ass.

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