Cloud Tower's Codex

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Darkar formed a red portal and walked through it to hidden prison. He walked in and guards started yelling and running to him. 

Darkar blasted them down. He walked to see the three witches he needed. "Who are you?" 

"I am Darkar, your master now" He said and blasted the door open. "You will help me get the Ultimate Power or you can go back into your cage, Trix" 

"Yeah, right" Icy said. Darkar formed bracelets on them. "Disobey me, or betray me, you will feel pain" He said. 

He formed the portal and walked through it with the three witches. "What is this place?" Darcy asked. "Shadow Haunt, my kingdom" He said. "So much negative energy, I love it!" Stormy said.

"I am undercover at Alfea as a teacher, a fairy there knows my secret and is willing to help, her name is Diaspro" He said. 

"Trix, go to Cloud Tower and do whatever it takes to get the Codex" Darkar said. "Why not, we can destroy Cloud Tower in the process" Icy laughed. 

The three teleported to Cloud Tower. They walked up but a barrier formed. "How cute, Miss. Griffin put a shield up" Darcy said. "Freeze!" Icy froze the barrier. She snapped her fingers and it broke to pieces. 

"I love this new dark power" 

The Trix flew up and looked through the windows. "Lighting Storm!" Stormy blasted the windows open. 

Witches gasped at the sight of them. "The Trix?" 

"Leave now, Trix!" A witch said. The three laughed. "Yeah right, Dark Command!" Darcy said placing them under her control. 

"How dare you return, Trix! Leave now" Miss. Griffin yelled. "Give us the Codex and we'll leave you untouched" Stormy said. 

"The Codex? Why would you want that?" She asked. "None of your business, tell us now!" Icy yelled. 


"Fine then, witches attack!" Darcy said. The witches started throwing spells at her. "Stop controlling my students!" 

"Tell us where the Codex is or we'll let them destroy and all of us know that you won't hurt your students?" 

"" Miss. Griffin combined her powers with Cloud Towers, and a oval shaped rock appeared. 

"Perfect, thanks Griffin!" Icy laughed and left. "Spell, be undone!" Miss. Griffin tried to undo Darcy's spell. "Their power is so strong, why do they want the Codex?" She said. 


Hey ya'll sorry this chapter is so short, I've been busy, I'll try and update more

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