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"The Trix escaped and took the Cloud Tower Codex, why would they need that?" Miss. Griffin asked Miss. Faragonda in her office. 

"Maybe to boost their powers?" Miss. Grizelda asked. "No, the Cloud Towers Codex, Pixie Village Codex, and Alfea's Codex" Miss. Faragonda said. 

"I'm not following" Miss. Griffin said. "These three Codex's are the key to opening the Relix realm, The Ultimate Power is kept there, it holds all the magic in the world" 

"What about Red Fountain's Codex?" Miss. Grizelda asked. "It's not needed to open the realm" 

"Why, you sure?" Miss. Griffin asked. "Yes, only the major magical Codex's are needed" 

"How can the Trix even know about this? I didn't, I mean I knew about the Codex but no this" Miss. Griffin said. 

"It was a secret, I knew about it from old books when I was young then all of them were gone" 

"How could they know? They must be working with someone" Miss. Grizelda said. "We need to make sure that the Codex's are protected, in case" Miss. Faragonda said. 

"Who will watch over Pixie Village's?" Miss. Griffin asked. 

"Miss. Grizelda, please go get Flora, Stella, and Musa to my office" Miss. Faragonda said. She then made a portal for Miss. Griffin. 

"Thank you" Miss. Faragonda said. 

Flora, Stella, and Musa came into Miss. Faragonda's office. "Girls, I know your only freshman here but your some of the strongest fairies here, you are to go to Pixie Village and make sure nothing attacks it" 

"Pixie Village? Why, what's wrong?" Flora asked. "The Trix are back and have taken the Cloud Tower's Codex, I'm worried they will find Pixie Village" 

"Alright, we'll go, when do you want us back?" Musa asked. "When we can make a good call to leave" Stella said. 

Avalon was sitting in his classroom on his desk chair when a knock was heard. "Come in" 

Diaspro walked in. "You wanted to see me?" 

"Yes, three little fairies are headed to Pixie Village to protect it, go and get me that Codex before they get there!" He said with is Avalon voice fading into his dark creepy sound. 

"Yes, how do I find it?" She asked. "Your a fairy, stupid, all you have to go is transform and ask to be in Pixie Village and your fairy bond with Pixies will teleport you" 

"Of course, I will not fail" She said and transformed. "Teleport me to Pixie Village" She said and disappered. 

Diaspro formed right outside of Pixie Village but it wasn't there. She walked forward and a barrier formed and showed the village. She walked in and saw many little pixies flying around. 

"Hello, fairy!" A pixie flew up with short red hair, a white pixie dress, with silver wings. "Who are you?" Diaspro asked. "Rudy, pixie of gems!" She smiled. 

"I'm Diaspro fairy of Gemstones" She said and both glowed red sparkles. "We bonded" Ruby smiled. "We did...Ruby, I need help, someone wants the Codex of Pixie Village, I was sent to protect it"

"Follow me, Queen Ninfea has it" Ruby flew over to a pixie like palace. Diaspro flew over. "Queen Ninfea, a fairy is here" Ruby said. Queen Ninfea flew out. She had green hair was up in a nice position, a long yellow dress, light green wings and a golden, purple staff. 

"I'm Diaspro, I was sent to protect the Codex, I am here to take it to Alfea" Diaspro said. "How can I trust you?" 

"I'm a fairy, I bonded with Ruby" Diaspro smiled. "Alright, tell Miss. Faragonda to update me" Queen Ninfea said and waved her staff and it became the same like the same one at Cloud Tower. 

Diaspro grabbed it and smiled. "Thank you so much, teleport me to Alfea!" Diaspro then disappered right when three other fairies formed. 

"Oh, more fairies" Ninfea said. "Oh, hello...I'm Flora, Stella, and Musa" Flora smiled. "How can I help you?"

"We're here to protect your village" Stella said. "From what?" She asked. "A threat, that's trying to take your Codex" Musa said. "The Codex is safe, another fairy came and said she was sent to take it to Alfea" 

"What fairy?" Stella asked. "Diaspro, she was very nice" Ninfea said. "How could she have known?" Stella asked. 

"What's wrong?" Ruby asked. "Diaspro wasn't sent here with us, nobody less knew and we weren't here to take it" Musa said. "Wait, she tricked us?" Ruby asked. "I'm afraid so" 

"But why?" Ninfea asked. "She's working with the Trix" Flora, Stella, and Musa said at the same time. 

"We have to go!" 

Diaspro formed back in the classroom. "Here, the Pixie Village Codex" Diaspro handed him it. "Yes, two down, Alfea's next" 

"How can I help?" She asked. "I don't need you, anymore" Avalon said and raised his hand at Diaspro. 


She groaned as her memory was wiped. "What am I doing here?" She asked, "You asked me about homework, remember?" 


"Please go" 

Diaspro left confused. 

"Soon, Bloom, you'll be mine" He said and laughed. 

A New Beginning: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now