r e s i s t a n c e [#youngwritersshortstory]

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*If you can, play the video to enjoy vivid music along with story.

The sound had become unbearable, and the hopes null.

We were being annihilated discretely. People didn't even realize how their personality vanished all of a sudden, becoming mind-less, puppets that were nothing but a number for those who had control. There were no invulnerable people, just a bunch of humans that were conscious about this situation.

I, Ava Hart, belong to the second group. I see people around me go from sanity to total madness, from optimistic to suicidal daily. In this out-casted area of a small town, surrounded by rubbish, lies the only resistance human beings have dared to keep alive. Since the first insomniac-influx reached the most cosmopolitan cities, hundreds of millions fall daily to this hell known as emptiness, usually confused with apathy.

At other time, people would have thought that the insomniac-flux was sent by some other more developed beings. Sadly, it's nothing but humans the ones sending this, unconformity had reached its top everywhere around the world -we were running out of food, water, medicines, clothes, feelings... everything. - governments signed a pact thinking it wouldn't affect them, but it did: now they have cities that work for themselves, but no feelings, no expectations, no goals, no humanity... it's a humdrum world.

So here I am now, lying next to the beast, in an attempt to end this craziness. I'm not alone; there is the whole humanity I haven't seen fall fighting with me -500 people as most-. I'm scared to hell: this is a psychological torture chamber facility, everybody says that. I thought I had control, that I wouldn't fall, but I did... I know someone will save me, but by now there must have been weeks

"Ava, you can't give up", my mind says. I’m fighting the urge to kill myself in order to end all this bull noise echoing my head, but I can't. I've tried it all, but this unreal noise won't go away.

It's worse than expected. They, or he, or she, or whichever attempt of human or humans is behind this must be really twisted up: they didn't even capture me and put me here, they put me here, by making me and my partner -I wonder where they took him: one second he was looking for the enemy next to me, and the next he was gone- follow subtle noises through this maze of blinding-white identical rooms, with nothing, not even windows, but a chair in the middle. There's no going back, when I turned to the door, it was no longer there, It simply disappeared, that's when I knew I was trapped in emptiness, about to become mind-less, and being manipulated.

I've started counting in order to avoid myself from going unconscious... the first time I get to 250,630 . Then I lose it, I feel sick of numbers. I then start saying nouns out loud, then numbers, and after that nouns, and so on, switching from one distraction to the other. I can't allow myself to fall prisoner of them: many have died for me: even my parents and my younger sister, and I won't let them down by living a vain life... their faces, their voices... their deaths... are what keep me going on.

"Ava, this won't end here"

I'm pretty sure I didn't create that sound. I felt something on my cheek, but there was no one before my eyes, I was still alone in this blinding white room. I stood up, and started hitting the wall as hard as I could to see if I could get an answer. At last I was screaming, drowning in my own desperation tears, resigned to be in this hell, yet expecting for someone to save me.

At the border of a madness breakdown, I hit myself against the wall, cursing whoever had put me here. Suddenly, for a fraction of second, I didn't see the white blinding walls -now so familiar to me- but a gray, old, messy office, and someone next to me. I felt relieved to know there was actually a way out of this inferno.  I hit myself again, and then realized it was a guy the one staring at me, he had a look of compassion that made me feel calm; it was the closest thing to reality -now seen by me like heaven- and for me that fraction of second was enough to know I could make it out of here. Again "in" the white empty room, I tried to hit myself again to talk to the boy, but he stopped me.

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