Chapter 5

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Ochako knocked on Jiro's door, the door swung open and revealed Jiro behind it along with Kaminari "So what's going on? I talked to Kaminari and he said nothing was happening with you two so now I'm just confused" Jiro questioned Ochako "Nothing is going on between us but I do have an explanation for what is happening, so basically, there's this old friend of mine that I got back in contact with and I had to met his girlfriend and they asked if I had a boyfriend and I couldn't say no and look like a loser in front of him so I said I did and Kaminari was the only boy I could think of so I just said I was dating him, but I told them he was away visiting family for a few weeks so if you're both okay with it we have time to make a plan or something" Ochako explained "Or you could just tell them you don't have a boyfriend" Mina chimed in "I don't want him to think of me as a liar..." Ochako said sadly "Okay, I'll pretend to be your boyfriend but only if I get something out of it" Kaminari mentioned "like what?" Ochako questioned " hamburgers everyday for however long this has to go on for" Kaminari said with a smile "how about not everyday but twice a week whenever you want, I don't really have money for hamburgers everyday for you" "Okay twice a week, that works" Kaminari agreed "Is it okay if we do this Jiro?" Ochako asked "I don't care, I need some time away from him anyway" and at that they started to plan for the next time Ochako saw Izuku.

~A few weeks later~

Ochako was working her daily shift at the coffee shop once again when she noticed Izuku walking in with one of those boys from last time "Hey, Uraraka!" Izuku smiled at her as he waved his hand "Hey Deku!" Ochako smiled and gestured a small wave back "Do you want the same as last time?" Ochako asked "Well actually I was just coming by to see you..I hope that doesn't sound weird or anything" Izuku rubbed the back of his neck as he nervously smiled "Oh and I don't know if you remember but this is Todoroki" "hi" Todoroki greeted her as Uraraka smiled and waved at him "Are you guys sure you don't want anything? It's kinda cold out today, I can make you some hot chocolate's, on me" "I'd like a hot chocolate but not hot" Todoroki said " want like a chocolate milk or something?" "Sure, but I can pay for it" Ochako rang up Todoroki's chocolate milk and handed him one from the cooler "You don't want anything Deku?" "No I'm okay, again I just wanted to come by and see you, make sure you're doing okay ya know?" Izuku answered "Aw well thanks, I'm doing good, tired but I'm okay" she smiled at his kindness "What about you? Are you doing okay?" Ochako asked Izuku "Could be better I guess...Asui I feel like is distancing herself from me for some reason and I can't figure out why" Izuku said sadly "Well I'm sure she'll come around eventually, sometimes girls just need to be alone" "How are things going with you and Kaminari, right" "Uh yeah, me and Kaminari are good" "Is he back from seeing his family? Maybe I could meet him" "Oh yeah he's home now but I don't think he'll be here today, maybe some other time" Just then Ochako looked up and saw Jiro and Kaminari making their way into the coffee shop 'great, prefect timing' Ochako thought as she mentally face palmed "Hey I'll be right back, I gotta go to the bathroom" Izuku said as he walked away, Todoroki went and sat down at a table. Kaminari and Jiro walked up to the counter "You guys need to leave, Deku is here and I just told him Kaminari wouldn't be here today" Ochako said "Can I get a hot chocolate first" Jiro asked "Of course but Kaminari has to like go out to the back of the building or something" "Why can't I test my acting skills now?" Kaminari asked as Izuku came out of the bathroom "Oh Deku! This is Kaminari and our friend Jiro" Ochako introduced them "I decided to surprise her at work today and figured Jiro would want to come along" Kaminari convincingly said "My names Izuku, it's nice to meet you" he said with a smile "Yeah you to" Kaminari said as he shook his hand. Izuku and Kaminari  continued to talk and learn more about each other before Izuku got a text from Asui asking if he could come over to talk. *buzz buzz* Izuku looked at the screen of his phone to see a text message from Asui 'Come over to my house, I think we need to talk' Izuku had a puzzled yet worried look on his face "Sorry to cut things short guys but Asui needs me, it was nice meeting you Kaminari, you to Jiro, hopefully we can talk again soon, see ya later guys" Izuku waved as did Todoroki on their way out the door.

Sorry it took so long to get this out I just really don't know where this story is going and make it up on the spot, I have considered discontinuing it since I don't update much and it isn't the best or most interesting but I think I'll try and keep it going

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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