Chapter 1

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I open my eyes and I roll out of bed. I stretch as I walk out of my room. I hear my mom and my dad arguing so I stop in my tracks. "I have to let everyone know." My dad says. "You can't." My mom says back. "Everyone deserves to know the Ark is dying." My father says. I gasp quietly. "If you do tell everyone it's considered treason and you will be floated." My mom throws back. "I have to do it Abby." My father says. "What about Clarke? What's she gonna do without you, Jake?" My mother asks him. She should not have brought me into this. "What would she think of me if I didn't tell the truth?" My father asks back. I have to get my thoughts in. "Dad you have to do it." I say as I walk into the room. They both turn to look at me. "Clarke you weren't supposed to hear this." My mother says. "I know but dad has to do it or I will. You decide." I say. I walk out of the room and back to my room. I pull on some clothes and walk out of my room. I walk back into the room where my parents are and see them sitting down. "I'll be back later." I say. They nod their heads and I walk out of our apartment. I walk to where guard training is and smile when I see Bellamy. "Hey Mr. Miller." I say. He turns around to see me. "Hello Clarke." He replies. "Can I steal away one of your trainees?" I ask him. He laughs. "Only because your friends with my kid." He says. I laugh. "Blake! You're excused!" Mr. Miller yells. I hear Bellamy laugh and walk over to where I am standing. "You up for a walk Blake?" I ask him. "Always Griffin." He replies. We walk away from Mr. Miller and start our walk around the Ark. "How's guard training going?" I ask him. "It's going okay. How's everything at home?" He says/asks. "It's very tense right now." I say. "What's going on?" He asks me. I look around to make sure no else is around. "My dad found out that the Ark is dying." I tell him. "Wow." He says. "My mom doesn't want him to tell so I told them that either he tells or I do." I say. Bellamy stops walking beside me so I stop waking too. "What?" He asks me as he turns me to face him. "It has to be told." I say. "If you tell you'll be thrown in lockup." He says. "I know." I reply. "You can't." He says. I place my hand on his cheek and look him in the eyes. "I have to." I say. He says nothing. I give him a quick kiss and we start walking again. We end our walk when we reach my apartment. "I'll see you tomorrow." I say. He nods his head and gives me a quick kiss. I walk into my apartment as he walks away. I close the door to see my parents sitting down watching an old football game. I sit down beside my dad and watch too. The game ends and I stand up. "I'm going to draw in my room. Let me know what you've decided." I say. I walk out of the room and into my room. I pull out my art supplies and start drawing. I finish drawing late into the night and I put all of my drawing stuff away. I pull on some pyjamas and climb into bed. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I open my eyes when I hear our apartment door slamming open. I run out of my room and to the main part of our apartment. I see my dad being arrested. "Daddy!" I yell. They drag him out of our apartment and I run after them. They drag him all the way to where they float people who break the rules we have. "Let me hug him!" I scream. They stop in front of the chamber and actually let me hug him. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." He says. He hands me his watch  and then he is thrown into the chamber. They didn't even say anything to him they just floated him. I show no emotion anymore and just turn around. I walk back to the apartment and walk in. I walk to my room and pull all of my clothes out of my closet. I pull out my sewing machine and I start redesigning my clothes. When they are perfect I smile to myself when I realize my mom and Bellamy will hate them. I am so emotionally drained that I just climb into bed and fall asleep. I open my eyes and climb out of bed. I pull on some of my new clothes and walk out of my room. I walk into the bathroom and find a spare piece of metal lying around. An idea pops into my head and I make it into a lip piercing. I find our scissors and I cut my hair a little shorter. I smile at myself in the mirror and walk out of the bathroom. I see that my mom is sitting in the living room and I just ignore her. I walk out of our apartment and towards class. I walk into class and I see everyone's jaws drop. I just roll my eyes and take a seat. I place my feet on the desk and just stay like that. "Griffin get your feet off the desk." Pike says. "No I'm good." I reply. I hear everyone gasp. "Guess she's not a princess anymore." Someone says. I turn around on my seat so fast. "Whoever said that stand up." I say. I stand up just as John Murphy stands up. "Murphy I should have known." I say. He just shrugs his shoulders which makes my anger rise. I swing my arm back and punch him in the face. He looks at me in shock after he recovers from the punch. "Who knew all it took for Clarke Griffin to go bad was her father night floated." Murphy says with a smirk. "You want to know why he was floated?" I ask. "He was floated because he knew the Ark is dying and he was gonna tell everyone." I say. I hear the whole class gasp. "And to make it worse is either my mom or boyfriend told on him." I say. I hear Pike call for the guards and I know where I am going. I hear the guards enter the room and they grab me by the arm. I just let them drag me to the detention centre. They throw me into a solitary cell and slam the door.

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