.Friend Beyond the Veil - Dedicated to Damian de Sailles, 1976 - 2001.

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.17th January 1996.


I am lost somewhere between a distant goal that motivates me, and finding my life's true purpose

And these days our love seems so hazy and out of focus

As though somewhere along the line we lost the key to eachother's hearts

You are high upon the mountain peak and I am wandering lonely in the valley

I don't know if i can reach so high or if you will ever find your way back down to me

I need to understand what's missing, or if it wasn't there in the first place

It's cold in this place, shadowy and confusing

I'm not me anymore and I don't know who I am or what I'm meant to be

You are the only one who can help clarify me

What's wrong with us babe?

You are the only familiar thing I have here and you're so close

Yet so far, so far and still so near...

.Friend Beyond the Veil - Dedicated to Damian de Sailles, 1976 - 2001.Where stories live. Discover now