Chapter 2: Him Again

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FINALLYYYYY 😫 It's been so long. I know.

Jungkook's POV:

I tried to catch my breath as the back of my head hit my pillow. I looked over at the clock and it showed 2 am. I chuckled realizing we've been at it for eight hours. I looked back over at Chungha and admired my work. Her face was red and glowing from sweat. She was more out of breath than I was and twitching from overstimulation. She pushed back the wet hair that was sticking to her forehead.

    "I won't be able to walk tomorrow." Her voice wavered as she spoke.

    "My princess shouldn't have to. In fact, she should be carried in everywhere she goes." I chuckled and rolled over onto my side facing her. I rested my hand on her shoulder and caressed down her arm.

    "Stop it Kookie, I'm serious. I have a go-see in the morning. What am I going to do?" She whined turning her back towards me. I sucked my teeth annoyed. I hate it when she whines.

    "You work too hard. Take a day off." I tried again.

    "My manager would kill me." She responded as if I had said something offensive.

    "Then say you're sick."

    "Models don't get sick days. That is the quickest way to get fired." She scoffed.

     "Well, then I don't fucking know. Figure it out." I gave up and turned my back to her as well. The bed shuffled a bit and then I felt a warm arm wrap around my waist and wet lips on my shoulder.

    "Babe, what's got you in such a pissy mood? You only get this way when something is bothering you." She sounded more concerned now.

    "I do not." I agued back.

    "Kook, when you lost that big action movie role last year to Lim Jaebum, you held me down and fucked me until you came eight times. And now this. It's not that I mind it. It's just a bit much. Don't you think?"

What the fuck is her problem? She has never complained to me before about this. That's one of the reasons why I chose her. If this is what it'll be like to marry her then I might need to rethink my decision. No no no. I just need to nip this in the bud right here and now.

"I'm sorry okay. I'm just a little stressed right now with all the brand deals, award shows, interviews, and now this new movie. I just needed to release some of that tension. I thought that my wife to be would be more understanding and supportive."

"Baby I am I-"

"You know Seulgi flirted with me again yesterday, and I turned her down. I told her that my girlfriend was the most caring and understanding person in the world. I guess I was wrong." I lied.

"No, you weren't. Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. You did the right thing by rejecting that bitch." Gotcha, but I'll go a little further just to make sure.

"It's just so hard. I try to do the right thing and be honest, but when you act like this, it makes me want to go to her." I had to bury my face in the pillow to keep from laughing. I guess she thought I was gonna cry.

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