Chapter: 5

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**Dans POV**

I feel like crap. The only thing making me feel better is Phils texts. I tell phil constantly that I'm okay and I don't need anything. It makes me happy knowing at least someone cares about me. No one ever really got concerned about me. I remember once I was out of school for nearly a week and no one cared to ask where I was or what happened.

Being honest I wish I was just curled up next to phil watching movies and not having to worry about anything. I sit for a minute while I think about it when get a text from phil.

"Hey, good morning! ^_^ Do you feel any better?"~Phil

"Hi good morning too, and I've been getting worse not very much but I feel like crap"~Dan

"That's not good, I'm coming over"~Phil

"I'm fine you don't need to-

Before I finished typing I heard phil knock on the door. I get up slowly and open the door. Phil has s very sympathetic look and gives me a hug. I smile with a small laugh and when we let go he closes the door. I flop down on the couch and phil sits by my legs. He lightly caresses the top of my leg. I let out a deep sigh.

"Dan come here, I came over because in concerned about you, I'm worried"

Wait. Phil actually is worried about me? I sit up and look at phil. His eyes are so gorgeous. They are like three different colors all at once.

"Really phil? You care about me? Enough to worry?" I hold back tears as I speak.

"Of course I do Dan! Why wouldn't I?

"Thank you and just people have never really cared or worried about me before"

"I care and right now that's all that matters, someone cares now you need to forget about all the others that have put you down"

"Wow. You always know what to say. Thank you phil"

I moved over a little so I was closer to phil. I thought phil and I could watch something so we watched a movie in my room. I sat next to Phil and he gently messed with my hair slightly for a while. It was a few hours later I was getting tired and said phil could leave. He refused to go. He knew I wasn't getting better and he wanted to make sure I'm okay. I could be dead if he didn't stay.

After a few hours phil fell asleep on my couch and I fell asleep very lightly on my bed. Until I woke up and realized I couldn't breathe very well. I panicked and didn't know what to do. I called Phils name as loud and clear as I could choke out. After a while I heard my name get called back in worried voice that was Phils. Phil came in and I can't remember anything after that.

I woke up in the hospital. It wasn't very far from the building phil and I lived in. As soon as I awoke I saw phil standing next to me. He looked at me with worried relief in his eyes. I didn't know what was going on. I felt Phils thumb stroking the back of my hand in a calming way. A few moments after I gently grabbed his hand and held it in mine. He accepted and held mine back.

Phil sat down next to me never letting go of my hand. I'm happy he didn't let go. I never want him to let go of my hand. After a while someone came in and told us that I had an infection of some sort that caused a slight respiratory problem. She said that I should have an eye kept on me for a while and I knew phil would watch me even if he didn't have to.

There was a young man with her that gave me a medication to take for about a week and a half until I start feeling better. On the way out she said

"Oh and there could have been a serious problem of your friend hadn't gotten you here. And when I say a serious problem I mean you may not have made it"

At that moment I had an epiphany. I need to tell phil. He's all I have, he saved my life and he cares. I should slowly tell him how I feel and what's going on with my depression and all that fun stuff right now. I trust him. Believe it or not. I trust someone. I never saw the day I trusted and loved someone who cared about me.

Phil and I left together and went back to my flat. Once we got there we went into my room and sat down. We put on another movie and phil motioned me to come closer to him. I went closer and he put his arm around me and let me put my head on his shoulder. I let out a sigh of relief that phil was there.

"Phil thank you. I cannot thank you enough. Thank you for being here and actually caring. I never thought I'd meet anyone like you"

I feel a warm tear rip down the side of my cheek.

"It's the least I can do. I'm always here. Always. Also I never thought I'd meet someone like you either"

I felt phil wipe the tear off my cheek. Im gonna tell him. I took every bit of courage in me and sat up facing him.

"Phil...I love you. I mean I really love you"

My heart sped up and my adrenaline pumped through my body feeling like it's just choking out a fucking monster built up inside me.


Tbh I can't tell if this chapter is short or long but oh well!

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