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ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 5ᴋ
ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ: ᴅᴇᴄᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 16ᴛʜ, 2020

The way that Potter knocked on Draco's front door was distinctly him. It was strong yet soft, and ridiculously courteous yet childish, and it took the Healer a while to realize that he was thinking too much into Potter's rapping habits.

After a moment of internal doubt as to the cleanliness of his home, Draco opened the door. Potter was standing in the wake of the doorframe, the vague shadow of what could have been a smile on his face. He was leaning slightly to the side, but his posture was slightly more rigid than Draco would have imagined it would have been.

"Hello," Draco smiled kindly. The least he could do was be polite, especially considering the fact that he was going to actually have to live up to his promise of allowing Potter to help him with the magic issue. That's what they were doing now, actually, so Draco weened that now was the perfect time to start being the civil one—not that he hadn't already been acting civil, but he hadn't actually been attempting civility, it had come as a pre-programed force of habit.

"Hey," Potter responded. His voice was low and raspy, like he had just woken up, and judging by his mien, Draco was certain that he had.

Draco stepped back and to the side, gesturing to Potter that it was okay for him to enter his home. The Auror hesitated and then budged from where he had been leaning. He stepped into Draco's home, his familiar cologne scent beginning to mix with the quotidian aroma of nothingness that the blond's home seemed to smell so strongly of. Draco closed the door behind him, and held his arms out in a way that demonstrated his showing of his home.

"Welcome to my home," Draco spoke customarily, just as he normally did when anyone new came to his house for the first time, which wasn't very often. Ordinarily, the sentence would be followed with some sort of offer to take the visitor's coat, or a tray of floating appetisers to distract the guest from any negative thoughts that they might have upon entering his home, Potter didn't have a coat for Draco to take and their magic was gone, so neither of those things were options.

"Thank you for having me," Potter responded thoughtfully, taking in the sights of Draco's house piece by piece. He seemed intrigued, and slightly alarmed by the architecture. The blond's home was a direct product of his upbringing, the idea that class had to be influential in every portion of one's life. Draco hadn't meant to make the house appear this way, but part way into the designing process he had realised that he was making the homestead exactly how his parents would have approved of, and he had just finished the renovations in that way. Somewhere far down on his list of things to do was moving, or at least editing the way his home felt, but Draco had a million other things to worry about before he even got to that list, so he couldn't see it happening any time soon.

Perhaps he would make his house look like Potter's a bit more. Potter's home was classy, but there was a nice hospitable aspect that Draco's seemingly lacked.

"Your place is marvelous," Potter resolved after he had finished taking in Draco's vestibule. "But your stairs are missing a railing."

Draco shook his head as to dismiss the issue. "Blaise stole mine and then tried to give it to me as a gift, but then he vanished it in a fit of pique, so it's a touchy subject."

Potter frowned, but nodded as though he understood. Draco wasn't sure that he did understand it, but he himself didn't understand it, so he couldn't complain too much.

"I was able to bring back only a couple of books from the Manor over the last couple of times that I've gone there," Draco changed the path of the conversation, reminding them of why they were there and gesturing for his guest to visit him. "I went through them as much as I could, but there are a few of them that I was unable to complete reading, since I don't have magic to look for certain phrases or topics."

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