Night 1

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ZON TOOK A NERVOUS GLANCE at his watch, the numbers flashing in front of his face. He did not register the actual time, however. It was irrelevant. No matter how many minutes had passed since he got here, it would not change the fact that he was already late and with every passing second he was forcing his friends to wait for him even longer.

But despite knowing that, he was not ready to cross the street and join them in the restaurant. Not yet, at least.

With a gulp, he looked around. People were passing him, curious glances reflecting the warm light of the street lamps. He must have looked like an idiot, standing in place and gaping at the storefront for at least fifteen minutes. But he didn't care. Not exactly, that is.

He turned around and started to stroll down the street slowly, his hands deep in his pockets. He wasn't sure how to convince himself that there was nothing to worry about, that it was high time to brace himself and actually join his friends, regardless of what was coming. He knew that. He knew that perfectly well. In fact, he had placed his feet on the road, ready to cross it numerous times.

But only to end up taking a step back each time.

When he reached the end of the street, he turned back and let out a sigh. That was his last stroll, he swore to himself. No more excuses, no more hesitation. Once he faced the restaurant again, he would simply enter it and pretend everything was fine.

But that resolution did not quicken his pace at all.

Suddenly, his phone rang. He picked it up and sighed heavily. "I haven't gone in yet," he said before his friend even had a chance to say anything. He didn't have to. Zon knew exactly why he was calling.

"You know you don't have to go, right?" Zen's voice sounded exactly how Zon had expected; firm and resolute, like he was stating the most obvious solution there was.

"But I do. I've promised."

"And since when does it even mean anything to you?"

Silence. Zon was not in the mood for such jokes. Or any jokes, to be precise. His body was tense ever since he left the house and he was freezing and having chills, even though the temperature outside was around 30 degrees.

Zen groaned, resignedly. "Then how about I call you in, let's say, half an hour and tell you that I need you in the office?"

It was tempting, Zon had to admit that. But he doubted anyone would buy it, and besides, it wouldn't change a thing. All he was trying to avoid would still happen, whether he was there or not.

"Thanks, but I'm alright. I'm...gonna be alright." Zon pursed his lips, his eyes fixed on the restaurant. The lights were flickering in the window, a warm gleam inviting pedestrians inside. "At least I could've mentally prepared myself, huh? Imagine if he hadn't told me."

"Oh yeah, very thoughtful of him," agreed Zen, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's gonna be alright, okay? And if you want an easy way out, just text me. I will force Nathee to pick you up or something."

Zon smiled gratefully, knowing full well he wouldn't do that. "Thanks, bud."

He cut the call and shoved the phone into his pocket. With a short exhale, he straightened his back and crossed the street. He already made them wait for long enough, he thought. They did not deserve that. It was surprising, however, how they had not started calling, actually. If it was him, he would not have been bothered waiting at all.

But maybe he just lacked patience.

He pushed the door and entered the restaurant. It did not take long to find his friends. Not because the place was empty or because they sat at the very entrance, but because his eyes would always find that one person, no matter how dense the crowd was.

Until the Stars Fade Away [MxM - SaifahZon] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now