Night 10

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"NICE DRESS. S'NEW?" Zon had barely entered Soda's place when he noticed her eyebrows turned upwards.

"This?" she asked. "You've seen me in it a few times at least." She shook her head, clearly amused. "What are you drinking today? Coffee? Tea? I've no milk, though."

"Tea it is then."

The two took bottles of Coke and Sprite to the kitchen, Zon craning over the living room on their way. It was strangely empty if one didn't count the black cat on the couch and many house plants all over the place. He frowned. Did he fuck up the time?

"Same as always?"

"Sure thing." Zon sat next to the cat and started to warily tap its head with one finger. "Where's everyone, by the way?" he asked at last. He could've sworn he was late already, rushing through the store for the promised drinks, and yet, no one was there. How come he was the first to be there today? It never happened.

"Oh, they'll be here soon." Soda coughed, pouring hot water into mugs. "Truth time? We told you to come at three, but the rest is coming at four. Sorry."

She didn't look sorry at all.

Zon clicked his tongue, nipped with a sense of betrayal. He knew he should've felt pangs of irritation at best or raging madness at worst—after all, who liked to be tricked by people considered to be his friends?—but taking into account he was, in fact, late, he had no right to say anything but a greatly displeased, "Fair enough."

That, however, didn't stop him from taking his phone and thumbing down a subtle, 'Fuckers.' The message was sent into their group chat immediately.

"Alright." Soda put two cups of tea on the table. "I'm not sure what others will say, but how about we play either Battlestar or Xcom today, hm? Xcom today, Battlestar next time?"

"Hell yeah!" Zon jerked his head up. "I love it. Let's do this." He tossed his phone, jumped to his feet, and grabbed the board game out of the cabinet. "Fuck others; I don't care what they think. It's decided."

"And that's why you're my favourite." Soda's bubbly laughter filled the room as she gave him a wink, his eyes widening at once.

"Shit! I'm someone's favourite! Finally!" He leaned towards her, smiling. "Can you repeat that to others? Maybe it'd make them want to claim me as well."

His half-joke only increased the volume of her laughs, a soft scoff and a spit of her tea. "Oh, Zon," she giggled, seeing right through his words. "I'm sure you're someone's favourite even without my help." Giving him a few pats on the shoulder, she got up to feed her cat. "How's Saifah, by the way? All good?"

The question came so unexpectedly, Zon twitched in his seat. "Hm? Fine. Why?" His voice sounded more like a barking dog. Did she notice something? How? When? He turned all tense, his hands frozen.

But as he glanced up, Soda was peering at him as if he had lost his mind. "Gee, what's up with you?" She wiped her hands over her jeans and sat back. "Just asking. He's your friend, right? I bet you saw him recently; I didn't. That's all."

"Oh, yeah. Right." Zon tried to strike the most relaxed and indifferent pose as he hid behind his phone. "Still hating his job, dating around." He shrugged. "All good, I guess."

He did his best not to wince at his own words. Not that he was jealous, but he couldn't say he liked it either. He would rather have Saifah spend that free time on him. Or in him. Or next to him, with him, it didn't matter; he just egotistically wanted Saifah not to waste his time on others.

Until the Stars Fade Away [MxM - SaifahZon] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now