Doors of Desires ~ Autumn

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Hey i have re-written my warewolf story so here it is it was first called biting the silver bullet but i realised i had nothing planned for the story line, oooopsy! something i forgot hehehe oh well, i have an exam tomorrow so you better make this worth not revising wattpad!!! anyway i would love it if you guys would COMMENT VOTE SENT MESSAGES in other words please COTE ME! see what i just did there, well dont laugh too much it wasn't my idea! okay now im just babbling so just...err, enjoy! 

bt F-ing w... It's 2013! in your faces mayans! We didn't die, this needs a celebration so i'm uploading my first chapter eeeeeevvvvveeeerrrr!!!!!


As I stood staring at the plane due leave in ten minutes, I had the chance to run, run anywhere, leave this place and do anything except stand here.

 I watched children skip and play, wandering through the terminal without a care in the world. I could only stare while butterflies formed in my stomach. I dropped my handbag, which was slightly large compared to my petite stature.

However that wasn't the worst thing about the bag was the most grotesque colour ever created-pink. I know some people like it but I hated the wretched swine-colour. I looked down at my trembling feet, they were hidden of course by my high-top converse trainers, my legs covered by stripy knee length socks, that had every shade of purple under the sun, my purple and white tartan skirt, my favourite leather jacket wrapped around my torso.

 I know I was inside but the damn heating in the airport is apparently not working.

“I’m so sorry Miss, but the heating is not working keep your coat on and your flight will be leaving soon,”

 a lady with a name tag-Julie, came over and explained to a group of people in the crowd including myself. The woman wore a knee length pencil skirt that barely enabled her to walk properly, six inch heels and a waist coat. She had her auburn hair neatly arranged in a high bun, although her hair was in a bit of a state as she eyed the dirty blond haired male sitting behind the front desk.

Now in a different country people would just be passive and accept what she had said but this was the English for you.

A man interrupted the woman, I didn’t really get a good look at his face but I got a good look at his leather jacket perfectly worn as if it were a second skin, his faded jeans black in colour they were supposed to be but they were slightly grey, his trainers blue, his hair was a dreamy caramel brown.

“Excuse me miss, if the heaters not working don’t you think you should stop snogging that fellow over there,” he said pointing to the blond haired man, “And get your pretty little butt on the dog and bone and fucking fix it?” he paused for effect, “Now there’s a good Lass,”

 The woman’s face turned bright red with embarrassment and anger. As soon as he finished his rant I saw a great deal of shocked faces and gasps, whereas I just collapsed with laughter, holding my stomach in an attempt to suppress the pain in my ribs.  When I finally stopped I saw a hand reach out in front of me, naturally I took it and they pulled me onto my feet.

 I looked up to put a face to the kind hand and saw the guy that just created my laughter; he was younger than I thought, about my age. His face was something else; he was easy on the eyes, speaking of eyes his were emerald green…

“Thanks,” I looked away from his face,

 I smiled weakly due to my sore cheeks.

“You’re welcome, umm…are you taking this flight?” he pointed at the tunnel in front of me.

“Yes, yes I am,” I said picking up my handbag.

“Umm, cool but I have no idea where I’m going,” he looked at me like he was a lost puppy. He looked so adorable. And again his eyes…

“Well, what plane are you taking?” I asked slightly amused.

“This one, I guess,” he kept his voice nonchalant.

“Last call for flight 221 to America, board the plane please,”

“Well, the plane is leaving now so we should go,” he said and I realised I was only hours away from what I dreaded the most…



 A/N So what did you guys think?

I know it’s really short, but this is only like the beginning I promised the chapters become longer and filled with lots of stuff later, yay!

Cote! And peace out, I came late home yesterday, and my mum went absolutely crazy, she was like, are you seeing a guy if you are don’t see him ever again… I always knew you would bring dishonour on the family it just had to be you didn’t… some rather unpleasant Arabic words… where were you?

Mum I was at school damn it…


Mum says oh okay then… lol i love you mommmy a big shout out to mum!

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