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The Doctor ducked behind the boulder exhausted as she felt her hands sinking into hot desert sand

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The Doctor ducked behind the boulder exhausted as she felt her hands sinking into hot desert sand.

It'd been a whole week since 'Andromeda' had turned up in her Tardis like a madman, and the Doctor had decided, that before things got any worse, she was going to embark on some adventures alone whilst she was still alive to do so.

Of course, even that had backfired.

The Doctor sighed, realising that if she didn't think of an escape plan, she was really going to be stuck hiding here forever.

Well, whatever 'forever' meant from the viewpoint of an immortal being.

Closing her eyes, she let out a sigh, immediately opening them when she heard the familiar 'zap' of a vortex manipulator beside her.

Cheap and nasty time travel...

Andromeda turned to face her left before giving a groan of exasperation at the sight of the Doctor.

Not this again.

Her stupid manipulator had dropped her off at the wrong coordinate.

"You." Gasped out the Doctor at the sight of Andromeda, again, this time dressed in renaissance clothing, and looking slightly older (maybe around her late teens this time) than she was the last time she'd seen her.

"Me." She stated in reply. The Doctor gawked at her before reaching for something in her pocket and Andromeda rolled her eyes.

"You can calm down because I'm not even here for you, I just came back to get my alpha meson blaster..."

The Doctor narrowed her eyes at Andromeda suspiciously. It was obvious that she was doubtful about that being the reason she'd turned up. Not that there was anything she could do about it anyway.

Andromeda meanwhile, was internally kicking herself.

Imagine...this whole time and she'd only Just realised her blaster was missing...It was amazing how one could simply forget remnants of themselves.

Just. Like. That.

But she really needed to get back soon. She and Marguerite were just in the middle of sorting ou-

"I need to talk to you." Stated the Doctor interrupting her from her reverie. Andromeda snorted.
"Um...you're hiding behind a rock so I really don't think you have time to worry about me right now." and The Doctor, who was in fact hiding behind a rock, sighed.

"Let's focus on the whole avenging thing later... I don't know if you can tell but I'm a little caught up in the middle of something right now" she states evenly.


Andromeda had almost forgotten about what had happened the last (and technically the first) time she'd officially met the Doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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𝑳𝑶𝑺𝑻 & 𝑭𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫, 13th doctor Where stories live. Discover now