Stop This!

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'Michael were here',Diana smiles at the 16 year old.'Awesome',Michael mutters as him Donny and Diana sit awkwardly in the back.Michael was luckily on the end he hated sitting in the middle,Donny sat in the middle annoying Michael as much as he could.'Move up a bit',Donny groans,shoving Michael even further towards the door than he already was.'If I move anymore, I'll fly out the god damn car',Michael snaps.Donny laughs and playfully shoves Michael further towards the door making his whole upper body make contact with his face smudged against the window.'Ow,Donny stop it',Michael cries out.'Donny stop hurting Michael,the position he's in looks very uncomfortable',Diana sighs,shoving Donny's leg away from Michael.'Fine',Donny mutters but not before he gave Michael a quick kick to the side.

'Wow it looks absolutely amazing',Michael sighs as he sees the building. The limousine driver began to speak'This is where you will come in between concerts,Diana you are their guardian while they're here,but I'm sure your aware of this,the songs have been learnt,it should be a piece of cake from here',He says.They all nod and make their way out the car.
'Okay,we are going to have some rules',Diana smiles as she stands infront of the two boys.Michael couldn't help but stare at Diana,so beautiful,her hair tied in a bun and makeup just right.

'Okay,so no going out after 11,you must be on time for all rehearsals or you'll be on kitchen duty,no bringing girls back to the house',Diana states.
'What if I want to bring a guy back',Donny smirks.'Well,that's your business not mine',Diana smiles awkwardly.'Alright guys I'm going to get everything sorted,you bring your carrier bags inside',Diana smiles.

Michael is stunned by Donny's bold answer,he had no idea Donny swung that way.'Are you...',Michael whispers.'I'm as straight as a bendy ruler Michael,let's just say that',Donny smirks.

Michael is mute. He has no idea what to say.With how Donny went on about girls Michael was certain the guy was straight.'What,you a homophobe',Donny questions, walking towards Michael.'No it was just a shock that's all,with how you go on about chics and things',Michael muttered,his breath getting caught in his throat as Donny stepped even closer.'I'm free, I'm happy,when you realise who you are Michael,you'll be free and you'll be happy',Donny smiles.

'I'm not gay and your not free if your putting up this facade of liking girls',Michael demands.'You are a really good liar Jackson,you may be bi you may be gay but you aren't straight.Also you can't just come out to anyone in this world I had to make sure you two would understand and your obviously bi or gay so you definitely understand me.Also strangely I don't think Diana's fully straight either',Donny smirked,giving Michael a seductive wink before grabbing his carrier bag and walking towards the house.

'Oh God,Michael,stop this,get your head out of your arse and stop listening to him',Michael whispers to himself.
'I'M NOT GAY, I'M STRAIGHT',Michael cried out.
Suddenly Michael's breath hitched in his throat once again as he felt an arm slip around him to grab the nearest bag.

'Michael what are you shouting that for hun,we both know you only have eyes for me',Diana flirts,smirking at Michael before going back inside.

Suddenly Michael felt that he needed to hold onto something.He was being told different things from different people about who he is and who he must be.'I'm me,I make the choice of who I am',Michael breathed as he grabbed his bag and made his way inside.Mixed emotions cradled his heart as he did so.

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