Chapter 1

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I glanced at the clock impatiently, tapping my foot aimlessly. 


I lazily looked at the teacher, barely comprehending what he was saying. To be honest, I tend to zone out, especially in this class. I sighed and focused on the shiny bald head of my English teacher. 


You know it was funny, the teacher looked so much like Kevin from the Office. I often called him Kevin Malone. Well, in my head anyways. I wouldn't dare to say it aloud. Even if sometimes he pisses me off. He was the type of teacher to randomly assign stupid assignments or projects out of the blue. He also never let us choose partners. Not like I had any friends in this class, or school for that matter. 


It was simple really, Westmore High was full of cliques and groups. People naturally fell into their own friend groups, their own worlds and all kind of left me out of it. 

Not on purpose, I think. But it just how things fell I suppose. I had acquaintances here and there, but nothing solid. I didn't mind though, it was peaceful. No friend drama, no spending money on gifts or going out and being social. 


Well, I'll admit, it was lonely at first. Rather suffocating sometimes, but I learned to live with it. Like I said, I didn't have to deal with any drama and this way it'd be easier to leave Plainview with no attachments or sad goodbyes. If I really wanted to, I could leave, start a new life and never come back and no one would even notice. 

And boy was that tempting sometimes, this little town was too boring and I sometimes craved adventure. However, I always stayed put for my family. My parents are my whole life. I adored them. They helped me through so much, so I wanted to make them proud. I considered myself ok academically. I mostly aimed for A's and B's. Nothing hardcore. I was known for stressing over little things sometimes, but I wouldn't say I'm that focused on school. For example, today I was so focused on my teachers shiny head, I almost didn't hear what he was explaining until a word caught my attention. 

"--partners for this as this is due in a month. This project is worth a lot of points so I hope you use this time wisely. I will go into further detail once you've settled with your partner. Without further ado, I will begin to call the names of each pairs. When I'm done, you may move with your partner." He announced while picking up a paper and adjusting his glasses. 

Shoot. Not again. 

As he was about to open his mouth, a glorious sound that every student loved rung. 


Ah, permission to leave this boring class. 

Students all around me began to pack their stuff and exit. I followed and began to put my notebook and pencil away while the teacher looked at the clock with a glare. 

He huffed and put his paper down. "Alright, tomorrow first thing I'll announce partners. Please be here tomorrow so you can start right away. Goodbye." He sat down on his computer and began pulling the same lesson he had earlier for his next period. 




I happily walked to my locker, blasting music on my headphones. Since I didn't have any friends I didn't have to worry about anybody trying to talk to me. Another plus. 

I opened my locker and began to get the things I needed and unloaded the things I didn't. I was looking for my books when I heard abrupt, boyish laughter. 

I turn to see where it's coming from, mainly making sure that nobody is laughing at me for some reason. 

I look and immediately roll my eyes. Of course.

When I figured out it was no other than that Heffley kid and his friends, I should have expected it. They were always laughing at stupid things. And before anyone criticizes me, I'll let you know I once saw them laughing at a couple of pigeons fighting for a slice of the school's cafeteria pizza. 

Ok, it was kind of funny, but it wasn't that funny to be dying of laughter. They were just immature sometimes. Not that I cared.

I sighed while giving them one last glance and got the supplies I needed and closed my locker. I was turning to leave and was changing the song on my phone to match my mood to walk to my next class. And me being too engrossed in finding the perfect song I didn't notice a certain girl group that I didn't necessarily like all that much a few steps away from me when it was too late.

"Oof--" I gasped out as I very ungracefully fell on the cold, disgusting floor. 

"Oops." Heather snickered out, laughing with her friends. 

I look up to see her very sparkly pink heel extended out, so I could purposely fall. 

"Didn't see you there. Bye Bye!" She said sickly said and waved, leaving me on the floor. Another wave of laughter broke out. 

I sighed, annoyed and humiliated. I picked myself up and saw who had witness my embarrassing fall. Everyone who was in the hallway, including Heffley and his immature friends were all laughing at my expense.


And you see, ladies and gentlemen, why I choose not to be friends with these morons. I picked up my stuff that fell along with me, gave them all a death glare and stomped out of the hallway. 

I found my class, quickly sat down and tuned out the world. 

"Welcome class, today we willing be learning about Pythagorean theorem." Groans of students were heard, mine included.  

I hate high school and these idiots. 

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