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The episode starts with vikram and vicky sitting in the class...

Vicky: Are u alright?? U didn't get hurt from falling na???

Vikram: Nope...I am alright...did u ask her whether she is hurt??

Vicky: she was talking non- stop ....how can I talk ?? Such a talkative girl ...I couldn't control laughing when she cried...

Vikram: hmm...I shouldn't have shouted at her....that was not her mistake...it was all because of that idiot..

Vicky: Oh...is that sanjay?

Vikram: ya...ashok misguided him and that idiot came like he is gonna hit that girl... So only she lost balance and hit me...

Vicky: why did ashok do so??

Vikram: that day they ragged her...she refused what they told her to do so ...May be to take revenge for that...

Vicky: yeah...they are experts in taking revenge na?? Let them do whatever they could...they will surely be punished for what they did...

In 1st year class, the four of them were listening to their lectures... aditi was thirsty...Her bottle was empty ....the bell rang and aditi went out to refill her bottle from the cooler...She sees vikram in the corridor ....she comes to the class and takes a book...she hides her face using that book and goes... Ocassionally she lowers the book and sees where Vikram is ....she crosses him by hiding her face by keeping book is sideways...

Vikram notices it.... He throws a weird look...She refills the bottle and turns back...

Aditi: (to herself) Thank God ...he is gone ....Anyways, i will hide and go.. what if he is around??

She hides her face and comes back...she suddenly bumps into someone... water spills on both of them... She did not see his face ...

Aditi: Are u blind??

She is shocked when she looked up and saw his face...its VIKRAM MALHOTRA ...he was drenched...

Aditi: is that u?

She tries to run but slips because of the water spilled on the floor ...she falls on Vikram's arm ...They looked at each other...

Aditi relieves herself....

Aditi: Actually....I am sorry...I did not notice you...

Vikram: I know...because you are blind...u were hiding your face and you were not seeing others, and you will ask others whether they are blind isn't it??

Aditi: Haan...I was hiding because I was afraid of that u would bite me... And for your happiness I agree that ur blind...why are you crossing my path again and again??

Vikram: U came and bumped into me and u are accusing me itself ?? What type of girl are you??

Aditi: Look...Mr. Khadoos ...U don't have the right to talk about me ..And I apologised na? Then what is your problem ?? Don't try to come in my way...

By saying this she runs picking up her bottle and book...

Vikram: How dare she is??

Shruti came to class angrily...

Ansh: what happened?? Did u fall into the water tank??

Piya: what cutezz ...why are u drenched??

Mahir: she might have stopped water tank lorry with her one hand like the hero in the movie and got water...I think

Aditi shout: Aaaaaaaaaaaa....

The three of them closed their ears....ansh closed her mouth..

Ansh: Hello Ms. Loud speaker.... why are u shouting like this??

💖FROM FIRST TO FOREVER💖(ON HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin