It Hurts sometimes...

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After a few months of Yve and Kayleb together they became more and more closer to each other. They would always go and meet each other in the park to play badminton. Oh I forgot to mention, Kayleb is a great player in badminton. Badminton was his first and main sport, but he does other sports like basketball and volleyball. So every Sunday, they would always go there and play in the morning.

This was done usual throughout the year until one day Yve had feelings for Miggy again. She had feelings for him again because 1, they were classmates in the same section and 2, Miggy finally talked to her for once. Miya noticed that Yve had feeling for Miggy because everytime they talked to each other Yve would blush. "How about Kayleb?" Miya asked, "What do you mean about him?" Yve asked and replied. "You like Miggy again don't you?" Miya said, " No I don't" Yve replied. "Then why are you blushing everytime you guys talk?" Miya asked. "That's nothing, don't worry" Yve said. Miya just replied Yve with a cold "ok" because she know that Kayleb is a good and kind person that did a lot of things to Yve just to make her happy. She knows that Kayleb dosen't deserve this, that's why she decided to tell him. "hey Kayleb, may I talk to you for a sec?" Miya asked. "Sure, not a problem" Kayleb responded. "About what are we talking about?" Kayleb asked. "It's about Yve" Miya said, " Is there something wrong?" Kayleb asked. "Please don't get mad but I have a feeling that Yve has feelings for Miggy again" Miya said. "How could you tell that she has feelings for him again?" Kayleb asked in disbelief. "She has been acting strange ever since Miggy talked to her the other day" "She also tends to blush when she talks to him everytime". Miya said to Kayleb. "It's okay, Don't worry" "I trust her that she does not like anybody else" Kayleb said. Miya was shocked and was happy for Yve because she had a Kayleb who trusts her and won't leave her side when ever she needs him or not. "What is she do really like Miggy?" Miya asked. " I would just be happy for her, all I want is that she will be happy even though that she would be with me" Kayleb said. Miya had a frown on her face when she heard this. She told herself that Yve is very lucky to be with a guy like Kayleb. When Kayleb noticed that Miya had a frown on her face he said "Don't worry Miya, I will be just fine" Kayleb said with a smile. "Okay then" Miya replied with a light smile.

A few days have past and Kayleb was noticing that Yve is acting different since the day they met. Kayleb thought to himself that was he doing something wrong? He was really struggling to find out so he confronted Yve. "Is anything wrong?" Kayleb asked, "Nothing's wrong" Yve replied coldly. "You've been acting a little bit strange" Kayleb said, "I think there's something wrong, did I do something ?" Kayleb asked, "You didn't do anything Kayleb don't worry" Yve said. "Okay" Kayleb replied sadly. "Hey, don't be sad...there's nothing to be worried about" Yve said, Then Kayleb just let out a light smile.

The next few days Kayleb was already starting to feel that Yve dosen't like him anymore. For those few days, The only person Kayleb was with is Miya. She was the only one who wanted to comfort Kayleb because she feels that Kayleb is hurt. This got worse until Yve said to Miya that she really likes Miggy again. When Kayleb he was very broken inside. He even felt that he was betrayed but everything got loads and loads better because there was Miya. She was always there whenever Kayleb was alone. They became closer and closer to each other as friends. As close as they can get, Kayleb sensed a spark between them. He felt a spark that was not just as friends, he felt this spark more that friends. He kept it first to himself until the following year.

 6th grade was a little change, Miya ang Yve was separated into 2 different sections. The funny thing about this is that Kayleb was in the same section as Miya did, Yve on the other hand was on the same section as Miggy. This was the start of the foundation of the  feelings of Kayleb and Miya.  At the first day, Everytime that Kayleb was looking a Miya...they would always share looks and smile. Their math teacher Ms. Mane would always catch them looking and smiling to each other. One time, they were called out by her because they were like staring at each other. They were even being teased by everyone that were boyfriend and girlfriend, because everytime the subject ends Kayleb would always kneel next to Miya's armchair and leans his head on her desk to talk and chat about some stuff they feel like talking about. One day when they had loads of things to do, they would always work together. There was one time that Kayleb had alot of stuff on his desk like books and notebooks, Miya scolded him because Kaylab's desk had a lot of stuff and he didn't want Miya to help him because he saw that Miya was busy. That's where he really fell for Miya, he saw that Miya was so bright and kind.

So the following day, he was planning to confess his feeling to her. "Miya" Kayleb said in a calm tone, "what is it Kayleb?" Miya replied. "Uhmm I have something to tell you" said Kayleb, "about what?" Miya asked. "uhh, I think I like you" Kayleb said while Miya had a shocked look on her face. " As a friend right?" Miya asked, "actually...I like you more than a friend" Kayleb replied blushingly. "HUH? HOW?" Miya asked in shock, "You were the person who was with me through-out my battle with sadness and depression" "And you are so kind and a bright person, And I think like you for that" Kayleb said blushing more. "uhmm I have a secret to tell you" Miya said, "and what is that?" Kayleb asked "I have feelings for you too... I like you because on how you treates Yve" Miya said, " Wow...I should've said this earlier, sorry" " And thanks" Kayleb said sadly. " It's's not a problem to me" Miya said cheerfully. So there they where, A start of a new chapter for both of their lives...

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