Chapter 17: Squad In Danger!

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Our wifi just got fixed and you blew my notif already. Haha. I'm just glad that Rosé hit 60M :'))

The picture above is the perfect example of Lisa's armor she's wearing. Please, I'm too lazy to describe in detail.😭

Anyway, enjoy reading!



Brushes of wind, fresh air from the plants and trees, a hand caressing my face like feathers, and a thigh I'm making a pillow. The peace I feel is too unreal.

I smile, feeling soft lips pressing on my hand.  

"Jennie, I'm still sleepy," I murmur, going back to sleep. But I only hear a scoff. 

"Huh? Who is Jennie?"  I wake up, meeting Jennie so beautiful in a pink hanbok. But why is she wearing that? 

And she looks so pretty bare face as always with her silky long hair. Well, except for her annoyed face. She looks so pissed.

I sit up from her lap and smile at her. 

"Jennie. It's you."

A breeze blows my hair, messing my bangs. I protect my forehead when I notice I'm wearing a... chainmail hood? I'm even wearing full armor.

What the hell is going on? Why am I wearing these? Am I disguising or what?

And hell, why am I on a beautiful hilltop and... a kingdom afar? There's nothing like this in Gangnam.

"Oh yeah? Or are you cheating on me!?" 

My face snaps so suddenly, interrupting me from my thoughts. I only wince, realizing that Jennie slaps me well.

"Answer me, you unfaithful lover!" I watch Jennie, cupping my left cheek. 

Damn, she looks so mad. And the way she talks like now reminds me of Jennie being such a spoiled princess.

"What? No! You're my only girl, Jennie!" 

I reach her, trying to get her hand but she yanks it. She stands up, getting my metal helmet, and throws it at me.

"I said I'm not Jennie!" 

"But you are!" I protest, shrugging. But Jennie only points at me with her gritted teeth.

"I'm Ji-Ryu, Pranpriya. And let me find this Jennie girl and put her in the dungeon! You better regret cheating on me, my love!"

She runs off to the horse carriage with a white horse neighing. He looks like Galloper without that horn. But I run to her when she suddenly grabs the rope to run away.

"Wha— Jennie, wait! It's not like that!"

"It's not like what, Lisa?"

I only open my eyes when I hear Jennie's confused voice on top of me. I lift myself, realizing I'm naked and Jennie's— well, she's taking her milk already.

But this is weird. I should be having a wet dream from what she's doing to me.

"Jennie." I only smile at her, stealing a peck on her chin. She cups my cheek, concerned to see me baffled.

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