Chapter Two - Butter Knife

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Victoria gazes out of the window at the orange sun rising above the rooftops of Derbyshire. She'd woken up early and was already dressed with a full face of makeup.

She looks down at herself in her vanity mirror and admires her makeup. She'd decided to wear it heavy today with powdered foundation and dark purple lipstick. She didn't feel insecure anymore, she no longer cares what other people think. The clothes she'd chosen this morning were a little revealing as well, a black crop top and black denim shorts.

Opening the door to her room she makes her way down the stairs. Entering the kitchen she begins to pour herself some cornflakes and a glass of orange juice. She turns around to go to the dining room and jumps, nearly spilling the juice and cereal over the kitchen floor.

"Jesus Dani! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Dani stands, leaning on the doorframe. That same disgusted look on her face which she had developed over the last few months. She's dressed in her grey hoody and matching jogging bottoms, hair tied in a bun which looks greasier by the day and her chewed, broken finger nails looking as sore as ever.

"Ha. Where you going looking like that?" She sneered.

"Just for a walk at ten, that's all."

Dani makes her way into the kitchen and begins to put some toast on and gets out the butter and a knife.

"Not meeting anyone are you?"

"Nope, what would it matter anyway?"

"It's against the rules durrr."

"Oh yeah, like you follow them. I see you Dani going out in the early hours, driving to see Aaron are you?"

Dani thumps her fists down on the kitchen worktop, sending a noise echoing around the room.

"Shut your fucking mouth." She says with venom.

"Alright. Bloody hell Dani, what's got into you?"

Dani spins on her heels, with the butter knife in her hand. She brings it up with one swift motion underneath Victoria's chin and holds it there. She glares into Victoria's eyes.

"Nothing has got into me. Okay!"

Victoria gives a small nod.

"I just don't want my friend going out looking like a whore, that's all."

She brings the knife away and turns back around. Victoria stands shocked and shaken.

"Well, I appreciate your concern but I can dress how I like, thank you." She snaps back.

Dani snorts and begins to butter her toast.

Victoria shakes her head and leaves the room. She sits down at the table and picks up her phone. A text message from Jason is there to meet her.

'You still coming round yeah?'

She'd lied to Dani, she actually was going to see around Jason, they'd started having a bit of a fling just before the lockdown. But since then Victoria had grown to be very fond of him.

'Yeah, be round about 10:30'

'Parents at work. We'll have a few hours😉'

Victoria giggles at the text.

She eats her cornflakes, not even looking up when Dani enters the room and sits opposite her. Something had changed in her and Victoria not only didn't like it but was frightened of it. Plus there was no way she was going to give away where she was actually going and what she would be getting up too.

Finishing her breakfast she gets up and goes straight back upstairs to clean her teeth.

Ten o'clock rolls around and she puts her shoes on and opens the round door.

"Be gone for a few hours Dani, I fancy a long one this morning." She calls out.

Dani grunts back in acknowledgement.

Victoria shrugs and shuts the door before turning and walking up the street.

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