Chapter 1

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This morning was a symphony of nature, the crisp air was coming through the window blowing the curtains slightly around. It was about five in the morning, and in the distance, there were sounds of birds and rustling of leaves in the trees. A chill breeze wipes over the room, Evangeline jolts at the feeling of the cold air. Her eyes flutter open, she rubs her eyes to quicken her awakeness. She sits up scanning her surroundings briefly before slipping out of bed. She slides on her jumper and hears a click at the window. Her owl Ora sits giddily on her windowsill.

"You silly bird!" Evangeline chuckles tiptoeing to the window, opening it enough to let the owl in.

Ora hoots and drops the stack of three letters, then she rustles her feathers and tilts her head.

"Of course!" Evangeline tosses Ora a little treat. With a flutter of Ora's wings, she flies out the window.

Evangeline examines her letters, one from Hermione, One from her best friend Saturne Black (Sirius's daughter) and one from Harry Potter.

Evangeline smiles and tears open the letter from Harry:

Dearest Evangeline,

I am terribly sorry to let you know this way... but I think we should break up. I just don't see this relationship working... and you knew from the beginning I had that thing with Cho. I just, I really care about you and I know this makes me sound like an absolute git-

Merlin, was he right...

But I didn't want to lead you on any further. I am once again, terribly sorry. Just know that when I told Mione she slapped me very hard. I hope we can still be friends.

From, Harry potter

Evangeline tossed the letter in the air, pointing her wand "INCENDIO" she shouted. The letter catches fire and engulfs the parchment. Tears began to stream down her cheeks, she was startled to hear soft knocking on her door.

"Hello and good morning, darling!" her father, Remus Lupin, entered the room. He saw the pain on his daughter's face. 

"Harry?" he asked worriedly, hurrying over to his daughter wrapping her in a big bear hug.

"He is dead when I find him!"

Evangeline and Lupin turn to see Tonks standing in the doorway furious.

"Mom, I'll probably kill him on sight when I see him!" Evangeline giggles, sniffling.

"Oh, my poor baby!" Tonks opens her arms; Evangeline runs into them starting to cry again.

"Shhh shhh shhh, darling..." Tonks said pushing Evangeline's medium length, light brown hair out of her face. "Pack your trunk, sweetie!" Remus said, patting his legs giddily.

"Oh MERLIN!!! I Forgot that's today!!!" Evangeline says jumping up and throwing her trunk together.

Remus and Tonks leave their daughter to pack, of course Evangeline is still raging about her breakup with Harry. However, maybe this year at Hogwarts would bring her something new.


"Ready, Hun?" Tonks asked calmly

"Yes mom, let's go!" Evangeline says excitedly. They apparate to platform 9 ¾ and Evangeline scans the area. Her eyes land on a short-ish girl with long, black, curly hair standing next to Evangeline's uncle Sirius.

"SATURNE!" Evangeline shouts

Saturne whips around to see her best friend waving, and Saturne's feet take off towards her. They run into a hug, embracing each other tightly and squealing.

"ANGIE! I missed you!" Saturne says smiling ear to ear.

Angie... It was a nickname that her uncle Sirius started, and of course Saturne called her that too. Almost all of Evangeline's friends called her Angie, she didn't really mind though. (Not to be confused with Angelina)

"Hello, love!" Sirius says hugging Evangeline as well.

"Hey, Sirius!" Evangeline replies

Sirius and Tonks nod at each other, and as Saturne and Evangeline walk towards the train they begin to talk. After being waved off by their parents, they get on the train.


"Blimey, Angie...I'd have killed the bloody bloke!" Ron says, stuffing a licorice wand in his mouth. Referring to her break up with Harry.

"Where is he anyways?" Saturne asks looking into the hall of the train

"Merlin only knows," Hermione sighs, turning the page of her book.

Evangeline is reading a book as well, something her uncle had given her. A book about secret rooms at Hogwarts. Evangeline only dreamed of sneaking around the large school, however, considering her family. The mischievous side of her was bound to break out soon enough.

She was getting deep into the book, reading about the room of requirement, when she heard two identical laughs from the booth next. She was immediately blushing, her stomach filled with butterflies. She looked up at the door to see Ron's twin older brothers standing in the doorway.

"Ronaldddd!!" the twins sung

Ron looked at them and blushed, realizing they had caught him staring at Hermione.

"What do you want?!" Ron Whisper shouted.

"Can we sit in here with you?" They asked him, as their gazes shifted to Evangeline.

"I supposed... what happened?" Ron asked.

"Oi, Angelina and her bloody ideocracy" One of the twins said annoyed

Evangeline flip to the next page in the book and skim it. One of the twins sits down next to her and leans over to read.

"What are you reading?" He whispers quietly, a smile pricking at the corners of his lips.

Evangeline turns her head and blushes.

"Hello, George" She whispers, realizing they're close enough to kiss.

Saturne notices and nudges the other twin Fred. They're both laughing and whispering about the tension between Evangeline and George.

"It still baffles me that you can tell us apart." George smiles, looking at Evangeline

"It's really not that hard" She blushes. George swipes his thumb, slowly, across her cheek. She blushes more, noticing that he can tell she's blushing.

The train ride continues and George's subtle hints at flirting were not exactly subtle. Literally EVERYONE in that booth knew George was flirting, the only person who didn't was the girl he was flirting with. Evangeline had leaned her head onto his shoulder and drifted to sleep. He didn't dare move, with fear of waking her. He sat there and admired how beautiful she was, just lying there on his shoulder.

Fred scooted next to his twin and patted him on the shoulder "You'll get her one day, mate" he whispered to George. 

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