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"Get up you lazy whore!" Cait's loud voice echoed through the room as Ava buried herself further into the covers

"Fuck off." She groaned as her head began to throb.

"Sober up you dumb bitch, tabs gets home in an hour." Cait said as she ripped the covers off of the pouting brunette.

"Get up! Owen made breakfast" Savannah called from the doorway as Ava stumbled through the hall and sat down at their breakfast nook.

"You guys are too fucking loud." She whined as she held her head in her hands, owen laughing softly as he slid a bottle of advil across the table to her which she accepted gratefully.

"You can cook?" She asked as she popped the tablets into her mouth.

"I can make boxed pancake mix, yes." He said causing her to laugh.

The doorbell rang out causing Ava to squeal softly.

"My baby!" She said as she swung open the door only to be greeted by charlie's smiling face.

"I'm flattered but I have a girlfriend Ava." He said as she shoved him into the apartment.

"Shut up, I literally hate you." She said as he laughed shaking his head

"You love me really." He said as Cait exited her bedroom and walked into his outstretched arms

"Trying to steal my wife?" Cait asked as Charlie shook his head.

"Sometimes I wonder who really three wheels, me or ava?" Charlie said pouting.

"Oh charlie, it's obviously you." Cait said as she pecked his cheek affectionately.

The doorbell rang again causing Ava to open it slowly, a smiling Tabitha and stoic Sebastian coming into the apartment

"Sebastian." She said as she scooped her daughter into her arms, the toddler giggling happily as she mumbled mom under her breath.

"Avangeline, nice place you've got here. Very quaint." He said in distaste.

"Well we can't all buy mansions in every state with daddy's trust fund money." Cait quipped from behind Ava as Tabitha snuggled her face into Ava's neck happily.

"Cait. I'd say it's nice to see you but then I'd be lying." He snarked back.

"Wouldn't be the first lie you've told would It." Savannah said protectively as she stepped into the room.

"Savannah, nice to see you, I was just-" Sebastian started coyly.

"Leaving I hope, we don't usually let the wildlife in doors." Savannah quipped with a tight smile.

"Nice friends you've got here Avangeline, truly amazing role models for Tabs." He said before kissing the back of Tabitha's head and whispering lowly in Ava's ear.

"Don't get too comfortable." He said as she frowned thanking God when he left. Her strong demeanor crumpling as she took Tabitha into the kitchen and sat her down carefully on her high chair whilst fighting tears.

"Owen made pancakes tabby cat, are you hungry?" She asked in a faux excited manner.

"Yummy." Tabitha squealed as Owen sat her a mickey mouse shaped pancake smothered in syrup in front of her.

"You're dealing with her sugar rush later." She said in amusement as owen let out another angelic laugh.

"Gladly, Tabitha's my little buddy ain't that right Tabby?" He said excitedly causing tabitha to clap her hands excitedly.

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