Bonus chapter

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"You look lovely tonight" beams my grandma. It's almost a month when we protected the world. I need to tell you it's going pretty well. Hopper and Johnathan came back to normal life. Hopper confessed his love to Joyce and now they live cheerfully together in Hawkins. Will, Johnathan, and Jane become siblings - not true ones. Eleven lives her life. Going into school, hanging out with the party, and well with me. I become closer to Max and Jane. At least we are trying.

Johnatan asks Nancy to marry her. She said yes of course. We all are happy for them.

Will is happier than ever. He isn't so nervous like the day I met him. He enjoys his new life without upside down.

Max and Lucas broke up and well she and Jane date. I couldn't believe that too. But I'm happy for them. They are the cutest. Of course after me and Mike.

Dustin and Lucas. They didn't change. Both of them are still goofy, crazy boys, a lot happier when they know it's over.

Steve and I start hanging out again. He told me everything what happened in his life. He told me about his little crush on Robin. I shipped them before I knew she is a lesbian. But now they are best friends, which is pretty amazing.

Murray making god knows what.

And I? Well, I'm happy like never. Mike is the cutest and kindest boyfriend ever. We are hanging out almost every day, making sleepovers, going into an arcade with and without a party, and playing dnd. Will is extremely happy about the party playing dnd again.

Today is exactly the 16th date with Mike and Eleven with Max. We are going to look at the fireworks. I know we always say it is a double date but in the end, both couples end up completely on another side of Hawkins.

"Thank you grandma" I kissed her cheek and make my way to mike's house.

I knock on the door. The door opens revealing a handsome boy. Yes, Micheal Wheeler. "Hi Micheal" I beam.

"Hello gorgeous" he replies as he takes my hand and kisses her gently. "Ready?" I nod my head and we make our way to the car.

I can't be happier. My life is just perfect.

And it all started with me being the new girl.

Edited 26 April 2021

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