Chapter 1

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(This still takes place during Gundalian invaders)
"Brawlers we've heard that the Gundalians are planning to try to invade, so we are going to split you guys into groups of 2. "Ren and Marucho you two are going to act as a distraction, Dan and Jake you two are going to also attack the Gundalian forces heading for the second shield. Shun you and Fabia are both ninjas so you guys will be assigned the job of restarting the second shield." Queen Serena said.

(With Ren and Marucho) They along with the castle knights took on most of the Gundalian forces. "You ready Ren?" Marucho asked. "Yes let's keep them busy and buy time for the others." Ren said as Ren and Marucho threw out their bakugan.

(With Dan, Jake, Shun, and Fabia) "Ren how's it going?" Dan asked as he patched into Ren with his castle knight uniform. "It's going good, we have all of the Gundalian forces along with Stoica and Airzel, the other Gundalians are heading your way. Got to go." Ren said as hung up. Dan then turned to the rest of the group, "Ok guys Ren and Marucho are taking care of the Gundalian forces, now we have to take care of our job." Dan said as he and the others took off. When they were approaching the second shield. "Where do you think you're going brawlers?" A voice asked. All of turned, "Gil, Nurzak." Dan said as the Gundalians stood in their way. "Where do you think you're going?" Nurzak asked. "None of your business." Dan said. "We got these guys right Dan?" Jake asked. "Yeah we got them, Fabia Shun continue the mission." Dan said as he and Jake blocked off Gill and Nurzak.

(With Shun and Fabia) Shun and Fabia continued to take off to the second shield and they were almost there until Kazarina appeared. "Kazarina, you'll pay." Fabia said as she start to walk towards Kazarina. Shun then put his arm. "I've got her." Shun said. "What no, Shun this is personal." Fabia said. "That's why you shouldn't battle, you don't want to battle angry." Shun said. "Ok fine be careful Shun." Fabia said. "Don't worry I will be, now continue the mission." Shun said as he shot a warm smile to Fabia. Fabia nodded as she threw out Aranaut got on and took off, "Brawler that was a big mistake." Kazarina said laughing as she threw out Lumagrowl. Shun threw out Hawktor to battle her. "Hawktor ability activate bolting fang slug shot!" Shun yelled as Hawktor launched his attack. "Fang dome." Kazarina said as she cancelled out Hawktor's attack. "Go battle gear!" Kazarina said as her battle gear attached to Lumagrowl. Kazarina then got an idea and smiled. "Ability activate Batius Gear Lightning." Kazarina said. The attack shot right past Shun and Hawktor, "Ha you missed." Hawktor said. "I don't miss." Lumagrowl said. Shun's eyes widen when he realized what was happening. "Fabia look out!" Shun yelled as Fabia turned to see the blast coming at her. "Hawktor hurry we need to help them." Shun said as Hawktor and Shun intercepted the blast. "Ahhh!" Hawktor yelled as he transformed back into ball form. "Shun!" Fabia yelled as she saw Shun falling towards the ground. "Continue the mission Fabia." Shun said as he fell and aimed for the trees. "Shun." Fabia said as she saw him fall into the trees.

"Princess Shun wants us to continue the mission, he'll be ok." Aranaut said. "You're right Aranaut." Fabia said as she glanced at Kazarina and Lumagrowl who were advancing on them. Fabia and Aranaut moved quickly towards the 2nd shield, however she was cut off by Kazarina. "So close." Fabia said. "Now let's go brawler, Lumagrowl ability activate Arcadia Sword." Kazarina said as Lumagrowl jumped at them. "Aranaut ability activate Mirage up." Fabia said as Aranaut dodged the attack and landed an attack on Lumagrowl. "Lumagrowl battle gear ability activate level 2 barius gear Lightning thunder bolt." Kazarina said as the attack connected with Aranaut throwing Fabia off his shoulder. "Aranaut!" Fabia cried as she looked at Aranaut who was struggling to pull himself up. "Lumagrowl aren't you excited, we're about to get a new hypnotized slave." Kazarina said. "Aren't you excited Princess." Kazarina said. It then struck Fabia that Kazarina was talking about her. "No,no stay away." Fabia said as she tried crawling back. "You won't touch the princess, not while I'm in the way." Aranaut said. "Then we'll just take care of you." Lumagrowl said. "Lumagrowl ability activate Arcadia sword." "Aranaut look out!" Fabia cried with sorrow in her voice. Lumagrowl jumped towards Aranaut ready to defeat him.

"Ability activate Ninja Defense Wild Wind Dance!" Shun yelled as Hawktor's ability cancelled out Lumagrowl's. "What how did he survive that?" Kazarina asked as she looked over to Shun. Shun was holding his left wrist, as well as having a long cut down his cheek and long cut down his right arm. "Shun are you ok?" Fabia asked with worry in her voice. "I'm .. fine.. don't worry .. about me, continue the .. mission." Shun panted out. "Shun are you sure?" Fabia asked. "Yes go." Shun said. "Come on Aranaut let's go." Fabia said as Aranaut returned to ball form and Fabia ran into the control center of the second shield. "Brawler you will regret intervening in our battle." Kazarina said. "I doubt that battle gear boost Swayther." Shun said as he threw out Swayther. "Ability activate Swayther Gekkou." Shun said. The attack connected with Lumagrowl and defeated Kazarina. "You got lucky brawler." Kazarina said as she was beamed up to her ship and it took off right before the second shield came back up. Shun then collapsed against the control center of the second shield trying not to pass out. Fabia then came out of the control center with Aranaut, she gasped when she saw Shun and ran over to him. "Shun, Shun can you hear me, hey stay with me Shun." Fabia said shaking his shoulder. "Fabia, Fabia." Shun muttered as he passed out. "Aranaut, Hawktor come on let's get Shun back to the castle." Fabia said as she picked Shun up and jumped on Hawktor's back. (Fabia is surprisingly strong)

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