Chapter 2: Meeting

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"Okay everyone! Great job, let's have a break! Make sure you're all back in twenty minutes!" Asami said with a big smile, she was satisfied; her teamed worked really hard and that was showing. People cheered happily and ran off, probably going to get some food since they ran into direction of the main building.

Asami sat down on the grass with a sigh and then let herself fall back into the grass, she inhaled deeply and noticed that the grass smelled nice. It had probably been mowed last night or very early this morning for today's game. Her thoughts wandered off to the quarterback again and a smile appeared on the cheerleader's face as she closed her eyes. Asami had liked the star football player since she first came here, her feelings only got stronger when Asami had joined the cheerleading team and often saw Korra before matches and during trainings. Never before had she talked with Korra, for several reasons. It was the quarterback after all, the star of the football team; admired by many. Not that the girl was arrogant or anything. In fact, to Asami, she seemed to be one of the nicest people there were at their college; always being kind and polite to everyone, not really minding trends or things like that, getting pretty good grades.

Often Asami daydreamed about the tan girl, how the tan skin would feel against her own pale skin. If the muscled arms would feel as strong around her as they looked, how those lips would taste if she kissed them

"Sorry, I hope I'm not disturbing you or anything, but I was wondering if it'd be okay for me to sit down with you?" Asami's eyes flew open and met Korra's blue ones; she gasped and sat up quickly; too quickly. Black dots danced in Asami's vision and she blinked a few times to get rid of them, a palm resting against her head. "Are you alright?"

"Yes! I mean, sure! Sit down, wherever you want! Oh, don't worry about me, I'll be fine," Asami answered, almost rambling. Asami internally groaned at herself and sighed. She couldn't believe herself, this wasn't anything like her.

"Thanks!" Korra replied and sat down next to the cheerleader, who had her black hair down; hiding part of her face. "You're Asami, right?" Korra said and drank some water from the bottle she'd taken with her. Asami blushed, again, nodding with her gaze fixed on her hands.

"Yeah, that'd be me. And you're Korra, the quarterback," Asami answered and gasped at her mistake. Korra chuckled and nodded, smiling at the cheerleader.

"So you know me."

"Well, I can't imagine anyone not knowing who you are" Asami whispered and carefully peeked at Korra from behind the curtain of black waves.

"Hmm, not sure if I agree with that. I guess people recognize me, but know me... But that's kinda my own fault," Korra replied and played with the cap of her bottle, closing and opening it again and again.

"What do you mean?" Asami looked at the girl next to her, surprised.

"Well, besides the football team I'm not on any clubs and I don't go to every party, unlike most of my team mates."

"There's nothing wrong with that, I'm not in any clubs either. They just don't get my interest as much as cheerleading, but I'm not in on all the parties either; also because I want to keep my grades up," the cheerleader replied.

"Smart girl," Korra said with a smile, winking at the girl next to her. Asami blushed and looked away, trying to think of something else to get the color away from her cheeks. "Sorry, that sounded—"

"It's okay," Asami interrupted, not wanting to give Korra the wrong idea.

"Hey, would you maybe want to help me with warming up a bit?" Korra asked, wanting to get to know Asami better. She seemed like a really nice person, so far. Korra thought she could have pleasant conversations with the cheerleader. Not stuck up or anything at all, like the last cheerleading captain.

"S-Sure, but what could I do to help?" Asami answered and watched as Korra lay down on the grass.

"Could you grab my legs and make sure they don't move? Then I can do some sit-ups, which wouldn't be such a bad idea" Korra said, realizing she hadn't done more than just twenty sit-ups this week. Asami tried to keep her breathing and heartbeat even as she slowly nodded, then grabbed the elastic around her wrist and tied her hair into a loose knot-like ponytail on the left side of her face. The cheerleader shifted a bit until she sat on the left side of Korra's feet and grabbed just above the tan ankles loosely. It felt like her hands were on fire, just like her cheeks and chest. "It's okay to grab them a bit tighter, it doesn't hurt," Korra tried to put Asami a bit more at ease, showing a sincere smile. The skin where Asami's hands were was tingling; the cheerleader had pleasantly warm hands. She felt the grip tightening and she placed the palms of her hands against the back of her head, then started lifting herself up by only using the muscles in her stomach and back.

"How many?" Asami asked softly and Korra exhaled, pausing for a bit, close to the other girl's face. She noticed that Asami had clear, green eyes. Not a vague grey-green, really green, like the first leaves in spring.

"Eh, what do you—? Oh!" Korra figured that Asami was talking about the sit-ups. "I think fifty should do for now," she answered and moved back again.

"Wow, that's a lot" Asami mumbled, thinking about how she'd do ten sit-ups a day; although she did other things too.

"Nah, not really. I'm supposed to do a hundred-fifty a week, but I've been kinda slacking this week" Korra said when she was sitting up again. Their eyes met and they looked at each other for a bit. "That was number?"

"Eh, six," Asami stuttered, desperately trying to slow her heartbeat down back to normal speed. It felt as if it was beating in her throat, at a very fast rate.

"Thanks, you're really good at this," Korra complimented and smiled. Why she hadn't talked to Asami before Korra didn't know, she should have.

"Thank you, I try," Asami thanked Korra and smiled, showing her teeth. Korra saw Asami smile and noticed how she automatically smiled now too, in response. The cheerleader captain was pretty, very pretty.

Asami smiled dreamily at the girl in front of her, pushing up her torso with no difficulty at all again and again. Muscled tensed and relaxed with every move, the tan skin shimmering a bit by the layer of sweat covering it. The blue eyes that'd meet hers every time Korra sat up, the smile Korra flashed at her every now and then, the little sounds the quarterback would produce Asami wouldn't mind sitting here like this for hours; she'd enjoy it every single minute.

"Thanks for helping me, Asami." Asami looked up, blinked a few times and realized Korra sat up and it didn't look like she was going to continue doing sit-ups. After a few seconds, the cheerleader figured that Korra had done fifty already, she had totally lost focus.

"Y-You're welcome, honestly! It was a pleasure— I mean, I liked— I..." Asami stuttered, feeling embarrassed more and more. "Sorry, I'm such an idiot and—"

"Please don't say that again, because you're not an idiot. You're beautiful and very sweet, as far as I got to know you right now, you seem like a fun person to hang out with," Korra interrupted Asami, spilling out her thoughts with a comforting hand on the cheerleader's shoulder. "I'd like to get to know you better, if you feel like it of course."

"I— Thank you, I'm not sure what to say" Asami felt the skin under Korra's hand burn and tingle; it sent shivers through her body and made her mind foggy.

"Well, your thoughts on hanging out with me more would be nice," Korra joked. Asami snickered and nodded, the tension getting less bit by bit.

"I'd love that," Asami answered and Korra grinned, happy that she'd get to spend more time with the beautiful cheerleader. Something inside Korra told her that they'd be spending a lot more time together from that moment on.

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