Chapter 16

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Jay's POV

Cole, Zane, and I rush to (Y/n)'s hospital room. Kai was right there holding tight to her hand. Part of me was annoyed, and angry but another part thought it was cute.

"Hey guys," Kai greets us, "Where's Lloyd?" Kai asks a bit confused.

"Oh, the lady at the front desk said he couldn't. I guess he had to much of an 'Attitude'." I say with a shrug of annoyance.

"Oh." Was all Kai could say.

"I guess we should come in one by one, Cole should start off." Zane says. Cole nods, and Cole stays in the room as the rest of us leave. Everyone walks away, but me.

"You coming?" Kai asks furrowing a brow.

"Yeah, I've got to use the bathroom though." I make up an excuse.

"Oh, okay." Kai answers, before walking off.

I stay behind the door, I peek my head out the doorway to look inside.

Cole walks up to (Y/n), her hair was in her face so he brushed it off and he smiled.

"It's all gonna be alright, when this all blows over. We'll find who caused this." Cole says before kissing the top of her forehead.

I felt an overwhelming pain, an ache. I sigh to myself, and head to the others putting a slight smile on my face.

Lloyd's POV (Before everyone came over)

"What? Who's back?" I ask cautiously of whose around me.

"T-The mask man..." My eyes widened, How was he back? It can't be possible..

Kai, and Zane walk out and come seat near us.

"Just in time, you guys. Theres someone on your team, you CANNOT trust." Cheryl caught my eye, and everyone else's.

"Who?" I ask chary, who could it possible be?

"You can't trust-" Just as she was about to finish her sentence Jay walks out whistling.

"Hey guys!" Jay says with a slight smile.

"Oh hey Jay," I greet with a slight smile, that was slightly fake.

"What were you saying Cheryl?" Zane asks.

"Oh nothing," Cheryl smiles. "It can wait at least."

• • •

Everyone went in and saw (Y/n), in the end we all went in there but I was pulled out of the room by Cheryl.

"Yes?" I ask curiously.

"The person you can't trust is-" Again Cheryl was interrupted.

"Hey Lloyd! Join us!" Cole yells to me gesturing me to come over.

"Alright, I'll be over soon!" I say, "I'm sorry, tell me later.." I finish, and frown. I walk back into the hospital room, I didn't like the thought of seeing (Y/n) like this. I just.. feel like it's been years since she's been awake.

I hated it, but at least Kai was more comfortable seeing (Y/n). For me, the thought of seeing her only brings me pain and I don't want to be in pain anymore.

I'm tired of it, I wish I was on better terms with (Y/n). Maybe... Just maybe, things could have gone differently if I would've just let her explain.

'You're just and idiot, Lloyd.' I mutter to my thoughts, as I sigh.

I put a small smile on my face, I was fine pretending. I'd be fine pretending, all I wanted was to see (Y/n) happy. Just once more..

Soon time passes, and everyone left the room but me. I walk up to (Y/n) to get a closer look, and I see her hand flinch.

I take a seat next to her, and observe. I can't leave her here alone tonight.

"Hey, uh, Cheryl." I start, "You wouldn't mind if I stayed and watched (Y/n) would you? And I was wondering if you could watch her while I grab a few things from home?

"Yeah, sure." Cheryl answers with a small smile, she goes into the room and take my place in seating.

"Thanks, I owe you one." I say before quickly jogging out into the main lobby. "Hey, I'm going to stay here tonight." I say to the others, "Y'know keep watch of (Y/n)."

"Alright," Zane replies, "Need anything from home?" He asks.

"Yeah, I was just going to come home with you guys to get my things." I stated, and they nod.

We all get into the car, heading to the bounty. I quickly go to my room, and grab a bunch of supplies.

"What's the meaning of this, Lloyd?" Sensei Wu asks from the corner of my room.

"It's (Y/n), she's in a coma, and in danger. So I'm going to stay at the hospital with her." I imply, and Sensei Wu's expression changes into a shocked, and worried one. "Don't worry, I'll watch over her." I reassure him.

"Thank you, Lloyd for your reassurance." Sensei Wu smiles slightly, but worry was written all over his face.

"Of course, you have nothing to fear. Sit back, and relax. Okay?" I say.

"Okay." Senses Wu nods.

I throw the bag over my shoulders, and pat Sensei Wu's shoulder. "We'll figure this out." I say before leaving.

I walk out to the main area to see everyone standing, and talking about the incident with (Y/n).

"Do you want me to drive you?" Kai asks furrowing a brow.

"Uh, sure, Kai." I mutter under my breath.

Kai, and I walk off the bounty and get into the vehicle and he drives off.

"Hey, when (Y/n) wakes up. You take good care of her for me, okay?" I ask looking at him.

He takes his eyes off the road to look at me with a confused look, and he looks back at the road.

"What do you mean?" Kai asks tilting his head slightly.

"I mean you can have her, and I want you to take very good care of her. I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't okay." I answer his question.

"I will, and that's a promise."

We then arrive, and I get out of the car. "Bye, Kai." I said before I closed the car door, and he waved.

I go into the hospital, and to (Y/n)'s room. I take a seat next Cheryl, and set my bag down on the ground.

"I have a bit more time left before I go," Cheryl stood up and gets closer to my ear, "The person on your team you can't trust is, is Jay." She whispers, and my eyes widened.

I decided I would spoil you guys with a longer chapter, since tomorrow's Christmas. So this is my Christmas gift to you all. Enjoy!!

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