Chapter 12

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(Y/n)'s POV

So today was the day we leave the hotel, I just wish it could've been better. I don't have a clue what Nick is gonna do since I'm leaving today. I grab my phone, and text him about it.

"Hey, so I'm leaving today." I texted.

"We'll just come with you."
Nick texts back.

I sigh, and get to packing. Wonder how long that'll take, I grab my clothes from drawers and closets, and I put them in my suitcase. I go to the bathroom grab my toothbrush, my hair brush, hair ties, I grab out any other thing I needed to and put it into my suitcase.

"Got everything packed there?" A voice asks from behind me. I turn around to see Kai.
"Oh, yeah. I do," I smile lightly, I turn back around, and close my suitcase.
"Don't forget your charger," Kai hands me my charger.
"Ah, yeah, that. Thanks." I say grabbing the charger from his hand, "Mind telling me why you're being extra nice today?" I ask curiously turning towards him.
"Oh, no reason." Kai shrugs, "I just, I don't know.. think you need it?" Kai questions his words.
"Think I need it?" I ask, and I chuckle, "What makes you think that?" I ask furrowing a brow. Kai shrugs.
"Just relax yourself." Kai says before walking off.

'Just relax yourself-self.' Kai's words repeated in my thoughts. It was like an echo in my mind, what was going on.
I walk over, and start doing the dishes. As the though repeat in my head, I started feeling anger. I started washing the dishes faster.
"Whoa, easy there cupcake." Cole says, as he grabs my hand, and turns the water off with his other hand. He grabs my hands out of the water, and he drys them. He leads me to the table, and he seats me down.

"Are you okay?" Cole asks, still holding my hands in his. I froze, I couldn't move. What is this? I felt like I grew weaker, and weaker by the minute. Something made me feel like my powers were draining, but why? How? All these questions I had were all unanswered.
"I-I-" I stutter, I wanted to talk, but I couldn't, every time I talk or tried to, I felt a sharp pain at my side. Every breathe I took, a sharp pain. Soon enough I was cry in pain.
"(Y/n)?" Cole calls, he got no answer. I fell to the ground.

Cole's POV

"(Y/n)!?" I call, I pick her up from off the ground. What was happening to her? "Somebody help!" I yelp for help. Kai, and Lloyd run in as soon as possible.
"(Y/n)!" Kai yells, "What happened to her?! What did you do!" Kai yells once again, but this time blaming me.
"Don't blame me for this, she just fell to the ground!" I shout.
"Oh, because that's possible!" Kai shouts.
"Well maybe if you hadn't hurt her so bad she wouldn't be in this position!!" I scream, Kai comes running towards me, but Jay, Lloyd, and Zane hold him.
"I hate you! Don't touch her!" Kai yells trying to break out of their grasp.

Kai's POV

"Calm down, Kai!" Lloyd shouts still trying to pull me back.
"I'm calm, I am calm." I say calmly, they let me go but hesitating to. I pick (Y/n) up, and I take her to a hospital nearby. In this moment all I cared about was her, I didn't care about me, I didn't care about Lloyd, Cole, or anyone. She was my main focus, I want nothing more but her to be okay, and happy. That's all I ever wanted.

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