Chapter 23

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Luke hade arrived safely back in New York, the fresh cold air greeting him, and he instantly missed the warm weather of Australia as he stepped outside. Though New York had always managed to feel more at home than Australia had, maybe becuase he'd shaped it to be his home.

The goodbye had been harder than Luke could've ever expected, worst than the first time for sure, where his parents had just been rushing around to get him to leave. And it was then that Luke had realised how much Ashton and his family had been better, kinder, more loving than his own family.

Ashton's parents wished him a safe journey, a mixture of happiness and sadness in their eyes like a parent when their own child leaves home for the first time. Luke felt like he really was their son, not just a boy who had been staying with them. They looked after him, he helped around the house. He was family to them, in some strange sense.

Harry and Lauren had then proceeded to make Luke promise to visit again, when he was happy and to take them to the cinema and all these other things and Luke then felt guilty that he had essentially ignored the siblings to wallow in his own self pity, so Luke promised them there and then that'd when he next visited he'll treat them to tons of activities, just to make up for it.

The two younger siblings had both started grinning widely and enveloped Luke in a tight hug together and Luke bent down, squeezing them both just as tight, until finally they let go, running back to stand with their parents, while Ashton walked forwards. Luke's last goodbye.

Ashton had immediately pulled Luke into another strong hug, and Luke felt Ash's body rack with sobs, that made Luke only hold onto him tighter. He didn't want to let go, not yet. Part of him just wanted to stay in Australia, with Ashton, with his non-blood related family, but he knew he couldn't, because a deeper part of his heart yearned to go back on his little adventure in New York. He felt a responsibility to fix things now too.

In the end, Ashton was the first to pull away, a sad smile fixed upon his face, and though tears were swelling in his eyes, Luke knew that Ashton was thinking that same thing, that he had to go. Though this didn't mean Luke wanted to see Ashton cry, in fact that was the last thing he'd ever want, so he quickly wiped away the tears that were about to fall with his own thumb, a small smile playing on his lips, though it was sad one as well.

"I love you Luke," Ashton muttered, his voice cracking near the end, and Luke nodded. They'd been friends for so long that they were practically brothers, inseparable, which made all this even more difficult for them both.

Luke then heard the announcement, telling him his flight was ready to board, so he slowly picked up his bag which was lying on the ground, giving each Irwin family member another hug, ending with Ash again,"I'll miss you, Ash," Luke whispered,"I love you too," he added, before rushing off to not miss his flight.

What Luke however did miss was Ashton mutter under his breath,"That's not the kinda love I meant though."

Luke now was standing back in New York, the yelling and American accents a welcoming familiarity with Luke now, and it really felt like home, it had something Australia could never give him. A better vibe than it is back there.

The journey back to Luke's large apartment, sitting in the back of a cab, was more stressful than he'd imagined though. He wasn't sure after all whether to settle down again back at home, get back to old habits that he could've somehow lost in Australia. That or go straight to Michael.

Luke still wasn't sure of his feelings towards Michael. Sure, he'd had two plane journeys, and all the time in Australia sobbing over it, but in the end his head still hadn't cleared.

He supposed the best and most logical thing to do was hear Michael's part first now, see whether he wanted all that Calum could (and was obviously willing to) give him or if he was actually being forced upon. Whether he agreed with everything Calum had said in the end.

For the time being though, Luke decided to kept to himself, clear his thoughts and memorise some sort of speech and get it right, then he could go to Michael, just not before.

Man this fic is nearly over im yelling

Also it's so close to 10k holy fck that's a lot of people

And also mukeymouse reads this is screamed when I realised its so fucking cool holy I love you

The fifty shades of grey soundtrack is rlly good even if the film is a whole load of bullshit

Imma watch Misfits okay l8r sk8rs

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