The Queens "Rose"

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-Flash back-
I remember the cold air hitting my face. I wanted to move but the marks of the whipping still burned on my back. They throw me out like garbage but to them I was. They laughed as I begged for mercy ,taking turns as they whipped me
"Enough " said the woman in the purple dress."Throw her out "

The dragged me out of that hell and through me outside.

" one day I'll make all there lives a living hell, just like they did to mine"

-present day-

"Stella, where is my tea?" I said. "Here it is my lady" said Stella in most calm demeanor. "Malady, there's  letter from her majesty "said Stella.

Stella handed me my tea and the letter and I opened it.

I sighed "my,my,my it seems there are weeds in her majesty's garden. I guess we must go take care of it" I smirked.

Stella moved her raven black hair away from her emerald eyes and smiled.

"Yes, my lady"

We headed to town to search for our target a man named James Charles who smuggled weapons into London. We arrived at his manor and noticed guards standing outside

"It seems we need another way of getting in" I said

" Allow me my lady" said Stella

Stella held me bridle style and jumped to a nearby tree and then to the roof of the manor. "Well that's one way of passing through" I said.Stella just gave me a closed eye smile."any way we need to find a way to get inside". I looked at Stella with a devilish grin, she cocked her head sideways with a what-are-you-looking-at face."I have an idea" I said looking at the servants door.

Stella and I walked in through the servants entrance without making a scene."why do I have to where this stupid maids outfit" I say annoyed by the dress."my lady, I had no choice there would be no other way to snick you in" Stella smirk at what she said.

"What ever lets just get this thing over so we can go home " I say. We go to the servants door and go inside, when we enter servants are running around getting their duties done. "Hurry some one get me some bloody tomatoes over here now" yelled the guy who I guessed was the head chief. "YOU!!! Hurry and take this to the master " yelled the chief

He shoved a plate into my hands and pushed me out the kitchen door."Rude much" I say under my breath.I walk down the hall way when I realized that I had no idea where I was going, till I heard "Where the hell is my dinner?"screamed a man voice."That must be James" I say with a devilish grin.I walked to the noise and came to a giant door,I open the door and walk in.

"Sorry for the wait,...master"I say. "about time" snarled James.I placed the plate in front of him,once he started eating I went to stand by the door.I looked at the clock near the door, "Almost time" I say with a smile.

After James is done with his dinner he goes to his bed chambers."Its show time" I say thrilled."Stella come here ". Out of nowhere Stella comes out with a smile on her face."You called my lady" said Stella with a bow."Come know is the time to deal with the trash in a mans suit" I say.We walk down the hall way and hear a strange sound *snore* *wheez* *snore* *wheez*." It seems we found a pig my lady" Stella scolded as we neared the door.

I opened the door to find James in his bed snoring like a dying pig. We step in and I slam the door hard. "Huh, what the bloody hell is going on" yelled James."James Charles you have betrayed the queen now is time for your punishment" I say. "Stella, you know what to do". "Yes,my lady" Stella bowed and went to James.

"What are you doing, stay away from me" cried James. Stella raised her arm and a said some words under her breath and a bright light filled the room. When the light was gone so was James the only thing that was left was a single rose.

"Those who dirty the queens garden shall deal with her majesties rose" I say with a smile holding the rose. "Lets go Stella we have a new flower to put in the queens garden". I grin and we walk out the door the darkness covers us as we go home.

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