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you spawn in a soul sand delta. possibly the worst nether biome. you hop around on some soul sand until you reach one of the normal nether biomes. and wander a bit, collecting bits of gold and dodging ghast fire balls as you go, until finally you see a fortress. the only problem is that it's located across a crimson forest, your least favourite biome. it's your least favourite for many reasons, more specifically because of the ugly brutes called hoglins that call it home. you want to scream in agony just thinking about them. you hate hoglins, so, so much. they are the worst mob in the entire game and you hate them. you believe that the earth must be cleansed from hoglins; some might call you an anti-hoglin extremist because of this belief but you much prefer the term justice bringer. in reality you are helping everyone else by campaigning for an end to the blight that is minecraft hoglins.
you begin to make your way over the forest roof of nether wart blocks. why are the leaves netherwart? you think that might be the dumbest thing you've ever seen in this game, except for hoglins themselves. though you suppose it would make sense that the dumbest creature in the game would have the dumbest habitat. as you hop along the canopy, you encounter an unexpected hole and fall all the way to the forest floor. you're on 2 hearts and when you look up, you make eye contact with a big pair of white eyes.

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